Punctuation Part I
Punctuation Part II
In which numbered boxes should a comma be added? Justify your answer with a comma rule:______ Jeremiah [1] Beth [2] and Jordan [3] stayed after school to practice the Nae-Nae [4] a popular dance amongst FCMS [5] students.
[1,2] list of three+ [4] closing phrase
How should the following sentence be punctuated? ["] ______ []The truth is [],[] he whispered [],[]I miss you[].[]
["]The truth is[],["] he whispered[],["]I miss you[].["]
Which correction should be made to the following sentence?______ Cats are amazing creatures, and they can jump five times the length of its body. A. Change amazing to amazing B. Change its to their C. Change creatures to creature D. Change are to is
B. Change its to their
Kevin found Mrs. Brook's missing poodle, but when she offered him a reward, he stated, "Thank you, but I cannot [except] your money."______ What is the correct spelling of [except]? A. acept B. ecxept C. accept D. as it is
C. accept
Tris is writing an editorial article for her school newspaper about the need for healthier snacks in the vending machines. What is the first step Tris should take in her writing process?______ A. proofread the final draft B. interview students and use their quotes in the article C. brainstorm for ideas D. revise the first draft
C. brainstorm for ideas
In which numbered boxes should a comma be added? Justify your answer with a comma rule:______ If you've never [1] been camping [2] you really ought to [3] try it [4] but make sure you go in the summer!
[2] introductory phrase [4] coordinating conjunctions/FANBOYS
How is the following sentence correctly punctuated? ["] ______ []Somewhere over the rainbow[],[] sang Dorothy[],[] skies are blue, and the dreams that you dare to dream really do come true[].[]
["]Somewhere over the rainbow[],["] sang Dorothy[],["] skies are blue, and the dreams that you dare to dream really do come true[].["]
Which word is used incorrectly in the following sentence?______ [Consequently] she could not [walk] by the crowd without being noticed, for [there] screams and shrieks were [incredibly] loud.
"Hey there!" she screamed. "[They're] hiding in the basement, so go get them!" she yelled to the group.______ How is [they're] correctly used in the sentence? A. there B. their C. theire D. as it is
D. as it is
For a research report on The Civil War, which resource would likely have valid information?______ A. an article found by a google search B. an article found on a college or university website C. an article that is frequently updated by users D. an article found by a trustworthy adult
B. an article found on a college or university website
How should the following sentence be punctuated? [,] ______ Teresa was going [] to be able to catch up on work [] listen to music [] and read [] when she got home [] but her parents had a list of chores for her to do.
Teresa[,]my best friend[,] thought she was going[] to be able to catch up on work[,] listen to music[,] and read[] when she got home[,] but her parents had a list of chores for her to do.
What correction should be made to the following sentence:______ "If happy little bluebirds fly above the rainbow, why can't I" asked Dorothy. A. add a comma after I" B. add a question make after I C. add a question mark after I and take away the comma after rainbow D. as it is
B. add a question make after I
While I was in the library, I searched through the books and finding a copy of The Hunger Games, which was in perfect condition. ______ What should [finding] change to? A. stay the same B. find C. found D. will find
C. found
After school activities are [immensly] enjoyable, and every student can find a program they love!______ What is the correct spelling of [immensly]? A. immensily B. imensley C. immensely D. as it is
C. immensely
Before writing a report on after school program, Judy make note about how those programs are useful. Which of these do NOT belong?______ A. after school activities help students find hobbies B. after school activities assist failing students C. after school activities are enjoyable D. after school activities create new learning opportunities
C. after school activities are enjoyable
What correction should be made to the following sentence?______ While there a variety of popular music styles my favorite types are R&B, Soul Funk and Rock. A. add a comma after music B. add a comma after styles C. add a comma after style, Soul, and Funk. D. correct as it is
C. add a comma after style, Soul, and Funk.
In which numbered boxes should quotation marks be added?______ [1]Bring back that lovin' feeling,[2] sang The Righteous Brothers. [3]Bring back that loving feeling, because it's gone.[4] Gone. Gone. Whoa,[5] they finished.
Jeremy ate three burgers and a pound of french fries before the race. [ _____ ], he felt sluggish and did not perform well.______ Which transition would would fit best between these two sentences: A. Still B. Eventually C. Consequently D. Although
C. Consequently
I think I'm a [fourgiving] person, but I could not accept an apology from my sister when she stole fifty dollars from my wallet.______ How is [fourgiving] correctly spelled? A. foregiving B. forgiving C. forgiveing D. as it is
B. forgiving
Jeremy ate three burgers and a pound of french fries before the race. He felt sluggish and did not [do] well.______ Which synonym would best replace the word [do] to make the meaning more precise: A. perform B. act C. engage D. exhibit
A. perform
Correctly punctuate the following sentence: ______ If time is [] a healer [] then all hearts that break [] are put back together again [] for love heals [] the world it makes.
If time is[] a healer[,] then all hearts that break[] are put back together again[,] for love heals[] the world it makes.
Correctly punctuate the following sentences [ " and , ] ______ []If you couldn't tell[] already[] our brilliant[] caring[] and fabulous teacher created this jeopardy game while listening to music[],[] stated an observant student. []Didn't you notice that the quotes were sappy[] old[] but classic song lyrics[]?[] the student asked.
["]If you couldn't tell already[,] our brilliant[,] caring[,] and fabulous teacher created this jeopardy game while listening to music[],["] stated an observant student. ["]Didn't you notice that the quotes were sappy[,] old[,] but classic song lyrics[]?["] the student asked.
Rewrite the following sentence with FIVE additional descriptions (adjective, adverbs...):______ Sandy, a girl, walked along the beach.
Sandy, a tall and slender girl, quickly walked along the noisy, hot, and breezy beach.
Maria knew her brother was being [deceitful] when she asked him if he did his chores and he nervously mumbled an answer.______ How is [deceitful] correctly spelled? A. deicetful B. decietful C. deceteful D. as it is
D. as it is
Revise the following sentence for repetition:______ Even though I hate washing the dishes, I took my brother's dish-washing chore, a chore I despise, because he had a school project to finish.
Even though I hate washing the dishes, I took my brother's dish-washing chore because he had a school project to finish. ________OR_________ I took my brother's dish-washing chore, a chore I despise, because he had a school project to finish.