Simple and Compound Sentences
Complex Sentences
Compound-Complex Sentences
Phrases and Clauses
Run-Ons and Fragments
This sentence is a ____ sentence. I went to buy pizza.
What is simple?
The sentence is a ____ sentence. He wrote a letter, and he finished early enough to send it before thanksgiving.
What is Compound?
Is this a compound-complex sentence? Although I like to go camping, I haven't had the time to go lately, and I haven't found anyone to go with.
What is compund-complex sentence?
This is a ____ clause. Since I am aquaman, I survived the shipwreck.
What is subordinating clause?
Which is a sentence fragment? A. He walked across the road. B. The party is not until Friday. C. Came around the mountain. D. He drove his across the road and through the valley.
What is C?
A simple sentence is composed of a(n) ____.
What is an independent clause?
Is this compund or complex? Because the bee hive fell, the bees flew everywhere.
What is complex?
He ran for the house on Elm Street, ducked close to the wall, and crumpled into a ball. The sentence is _____.
What is a simple?
What phrase is in the sentence? My neighboor, a very sweet old lady, has been taken to the hospital.
What is an appositive phrase?
This is a ____. I really like chicken I eat a lot of it a day.
What is a run-on sentence?
This sentence is BLANK. We left him at the store on an adventure behind the creek.
What is simple?
I have a huge pink boat, and, it's at the harbor close to us. The sentence is compound, why isn't it complex?
What are two independent clauses with a comma mistake?
After I bit into your mom's brownies and realized they tasted awful, I noticed they had spinach in them. The sentence is ______.
What is Compound-Complex.
The phrase is _____ in this sentence? He ran to kick the ball.
What is an infinitive phrase?
Is this a run-on, fragment, or both. He had been gone for a long time even though he left.
What is a run-on sentence with a sentence fragment
Jefferey ran across the street, and bought some paint for his house's exterior.
What is a compound sentence?
If I eat now, I won't be able to go to the movies, but I could eat after the movies. This sentence is known as a ______.
What is a compound-complex sentence?
The sentence is _____. My mom, who is a very wise spender, went to the store and bought fifteen items for ten dollars.
What is a Simple Sentence?
The phrases in the sentence are _____. He ran across the field to smash a spider.
What is a prepositional phrase and an infinitive phrase?
Is a fragment a dependent clause?
What is NOOOOOO?
DAILY DOUBLE Across the field, and through the valley, we ran. The sentence is ____.
What is a simple sentence?
This is a ______ sentence. Gerald did not like the way his mom cooked his eggs for breakfast, he never does.
What is a complex?
This is a ______ sentence. We decided that the movie was too violent, but our children, who like to watch scary movies, thought that we were wrong.
What is a Compound-Complex Sentence?
The phrase in this sentence is a _____ phrase. Despite warnings, she tried to ski down Devil’s Run.
What is a prepositional phrase?
This is a _______. Adam is a sweet boy, he really loves animals.
What is a run-on sentence?