Roaring 20's
Great Depression
World War 2
Cold War
A movement to stop the production of alcohol.
What is prohibition
The first day of the Great Depression was called. (October 29, 1929)
Black Tuesday
Why did the United States drop the Atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki?
To end the war quickly and save 30,000 American soldier's lives.
What were the two actual wars fought during the Cold War?
Korea and Vietnam
Describe the Anaconda Plan
The North's plan to cut the South off from supplies, thus limiting their resources and forcing them to surrender.
This amendment allowed for Women's suffrage.
What is the 19th amendment
This event made the depression even worse for farmers and people in the West.
What is the dust bowl
How many people were killed through the Holocaust?
over 6 million
The United States was scared this country would attack using what weapon?
USSR-Atomic Bomb
These two events were causes of American involvement in WWI.
The sinking of the Lusitania and the Zimmerman Note (telegram)
The National Women's Suffrage organization fought for women's suffrage to be included in what amendment?
What is the 15th Amendment. (only males of any color could vote)
A group of WW1 veterans and their families who marched on Washington D.C., in 1932 to demand the immediate payment of a bonus they had been promised for military service.
What is the Bonus Army
Who were the two American generals (European and Pacific) that played significant parts in the war?
Patten- Europe MacArthur-Pacific
Why did the US participate in the wars in Korea and Vietnam
Had policy of containment in which we did not want to get rid of communism but we did not want it to spread.
What was the Nadir period?
The lowest point for African Americans, refers to their persecution and suffering during reconstruction
What impact did electrical conveniences have on women?
freed them up for other community and leisure activities, growing trend of women working outside of the home
How did WW1 contribute to the cause of the Great Depression?
Foreign countries had borrowed money to pay for the war and then could not afford to buy American goods.
How did WWII lead to one of the largest population shifts in U.S. history?
People moved to states with military bases and factories for better jobs.
Name three Great Society Programs.
Any of the following: Medicare Act, Voting Rights Act, Elementary and Secondary Education Act, Civil Rights Act (1964), Wilderness Protection Act, Tax Reduction Act, Economic Opportunity Act ect.
Organization of workers united to achieve common goals like protecting workers or achieving higher pay.
What is labor unions
Why were Americans anti-immigration in the 20s?
immigrants were willing to work for lower wages in factory jobs, also afraid that immigrants were bringing anarchist and socialist values into society
Name two causes of the Great Depression
tariffs and war debt policies that cut down the foreign market for American goods; crisis in the farm sector; availability of easy credit; unequal distribution of income
How did natural geography contribute to Germany's defeat in WWII?
They were fighting a war on three fronts: North Africa, Western Europe and the Soviet Union.
Why did the United States put a large amount of money into the space program NASA?
The Soviet Union had sent satellits into space and the US was affraid of nuclear attack from space.
Explain Roosevelt's 'Speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far.'
The US would use force to protect its economic interests in Latin America.