Pages 300-306
Pages 307-315
Pages 316-321
Vocab #1
Vocab #2
One-short term physiological response to cold is
What is shivering
Infection with a kind of parasitic flatworm called a blood fluke
What is Schistosomiasis
Increase in greenhouse gases from deforestation and industrial activity results in.
What is global warming
The public health term for a disease that is wide-spread in a population.
What is endemic
A specific pathology; a physical or biological abnormality.
What is disease
Human made environments are shaped by
What is local culture, global political and economic systems
The name given in Papua New Guinea to the prion disease that claimed the lives of a great number of women and children in Fore communities
What is Kuru
A particular version of malnourishment in wealthy industrialized countries
What is obesity
An approach to human sickness and health combining principles of evolutionary theory and human evolutionary history.
What is evolutionary medicine
Physical and/or psychological harm caused by exploitative and unjust social, political, and economic systems
What is structural violence
A physical difference among related people from distinct generations that allow anthropologists to make inferences about environmental effects of growth and development
What is secular trend
When faced with infections from bacterium or virus, the human body mounts a series of physiological responses
What is defense mechanisms
A 50% decline of human sperm count worldwide from the 1940s-1990s was a result of
What is exposure to hormone disrupting chemicals
A difference in the health status between the wealthy elite and the poor in stratified societies
What is health disparity
The tendency for the bodies of mammals living in cold climates to have shorter arms and legs than members of the same species living in warm climates
What is Allen's Rule
The study carried out by the U.S. Public Health Service in Macon County, Alabama, from 1932-1973
What is The Tuskegee Syphilis Study
Viewed as competition between microorganisms and humans
What is infectious disease
A chemical widely used in plastic that has been associated with higher rates of heart disease, diabetes, and other risks to reproductive and metabolic processes.
What is BPA
An infectious protein lacking any genetic material but capable of causing the reorganization and destruction of other proteins.
What is a prion
The tendency for the bodies of mammals living in cold climates to be shorter and rounder than members of the same species living in warm climates
What is Bergmann's rule
A specialization that cuts across all four fields of anthropology and contributes significantly to the understanding of sickness and suffering in the 21st century.
What is medical anthropology
These stimulate the body to mount its own immune response that will protect the individual from the real infectious agent.
What is vaccines
This causes the following: unequal access to medical treatment, increase likelihood of disease through malnutrition, crowded conditions, and toxins
What is social structure
A cyclic expansion and contradiction of the blood vessels of the limbs that balances releasing enough heat to prevent frostbite while maintaining heat in the body core
What is hunting response
Long-term physiological adjustments made in order to attain equilibrium with a specific environmental stimulus
What is acclimatization