Electricity & Magnestism
European Landscapes
From Prehistory to the Middle Ages
Materials that carry electrical current well.
What are conductors?
This country is comprised of a large part of the Iberian Peninsula, the Balearic Islands, the Canary Islands, and the cities of Ceuta and Melilla in North Africa.
What is Spain?
This is the process of obtaining nutrients from food for our bodies to use. (p.8)
What is digestion?
This time in history becan with the appearance of human beings about 1 million years ago (p.158)
What is prehistory?
In this stage, wrinkles appear. Hair turns white, bones become more fragile and muscles lose strength. (p.41)
What is old age?
The charges in an electrical current transport this.
What is electrical energy?
Europe has many of these landforms. Examples include Iceland, Ireland, Sicily, and Cyprus.
What are islands?
Digestive process, circulation, respiration, and excretion are the four processes in this? (p.14)
What is nutrition?
When there was little food left these people would migrate to another area.
Who are nomads?
This is the physical difference between men and women. For example, men have low voices and facial hair. Women develop breasts and have wider hips
What are secondary sexual characteristics?
This has a magnet in the form of a needle that turns. When it is in a horizontal position, the needle turns until it points north.
What is a compass?
This climate is characteristic of areas in Eastern Europe. Temperatures are high in the summer, but very low in the winter. Precipitation is higher in summer (p. 124)
What is a continental climate?
Air passageways, lungs, and the thoracic cavity are components of this system (p.18)
What is the respiratory system?
Christians who accepted the Muslim religion were called this (Middle Ages) (p.163)
Who are the Muladis?
The period of a woman´s life between fertilisation and the birth of the baby is called this. (p.46)
What is pregnancy?
Heat, light, sound, magnetism, and movement are examples of this.
What are the effects of electrical currents?
Map of Europe (p. 128). Identify B.
What is the Alps?
When you have a wound, platelets attach to the walls of blood vessels creating this process. (p.20)
What is coagulation?
In the year 711, a small force of Moors defeated THIS GROUP and conquered a large part of the peninsula and the Baleraric Islands. They called their new territory Al Andalus and established its capital in Cordoba. (p.162)
Who are the Visigoths?
The embryo is joined to the placenta by this (p.46).
What is the umbilical cord?
Thanks to this person, we now have electrical appliances and power plants that make the electricity to run them (p.68)
Who is Hans Christian Oersted?
Rivers in this watershed have the greatest volume in Europe because they flow across zones with abundant rainfall. These rivers include the Western Dvina, the Vistula, the Oder, the Elbe and the Rhine.(p.126)
What is the Atlantic watershed?
This connects each atrium to the ventricle on the same side of the heart. This controls the direction of blood circulation from the atria to the ventricle. This important feature also lets blood in, then closes to keep it there. (p.21)
What is a valve?
First Romanesque and late Gothic buildings were constructed in this era. (p.163)
What are the Middle Ages?
These siblings come from the same zygote. (p.51)
What are identical twins?