A government run by and for its citizens.
What is a democracy?
This restriction of freedom of speech is applied when false or malicious publication of material damages a person's reputation.
What is libel?
This theory asserts that media must remain free of government control, but in exchange media must serve the public.
What is Social Responsibility?
This word originates from Greek language meaning credibility, and applies today to the rational thought by media professionals when they are deciding two or more competing moral choices.
What is ethos?
This major group of media professionals established the Code of Broadcast News Ethics, which serves to self-regulate its members professional conduct.
What is the Radio-Television Digital News Association?
The philosophy that people cannot govern themselves in a democracy unless they have access to the information they need for that governance.
What is libertarianism?
This U.S. Supreme Court justice famously wrote in his decision in the case of Schenck v. United States, "Free speech would not protect a man in falsely shouting fire in a theater and causing panic."
Who is Oliver Wendell Holmes?
In the 1957 U.S. Supreme Court case Roth v. United States, the court legally affirmed for the first time that this was unprotected expression.
What is obscenity?
Journalists practice this, do so to keep secret the names of people who provide them with newsworthy information.
What is confidentiality?
In an effort to thwart rigorous government regulation, many media organization utilize this company employee who serves as a "judge" in disputes between the public and the media organization.
What is an ombudsmen?
This amendment to the U.S. Constitution explicitly states that the U.S Congress shall make no law abridging freedom of speech.
What is the First Amendment?
This special government power applied to the press prevents the publication or broadcast of expression.
What is prior restraint?
According to the FCC, if it depicts sexual or excretory activities in a way that is offensive to contemporary community standards, it is this.
What is indecency?
This ethic is pulled between right to unwanted government intrusion of private citizens, and the media's right to intrude.
What is privacy?
To some, these are a necessary part of a true professional; to others, they are perceived as unenforceable and restrictive that invite outside interference.
What are codes or standards of ethical behavior?
This English author and poet is credited for developing the self-righting principle, arguing for the free flow of ideas and defining the public as inherently good.
Who is John Milton?
In 1971 this publication was temporarily prevented by the Justice Department from continuing to publish leaked top secret government files detailing the war in Vietnam.
What is the New York Times?
This First Amendment protection of expression is afforded to the creator of that expression in all media forms for the span of their lives, plus 70 years.
What is copyright?
This use of behavior or moral principles involves balancing conflicting interests.
What is applied ethics?
Self-regulation of moral behavior by media professionals is this level of ethic conduct.
What is normative ethics?
Often referred to as the fourth branch of government, this ominous institution, which includes television, radio, and newspapers, is protected by the First Amendment.
What is the press?
This less-than-absolutist approach to the First Amendment considers several factors in determining how much freedom of the press is granted.
What is as hoc balancing of interests?
Prior to deregulation of the broadcasting industry in the 1980s and 1990s, this FCC practice required broadcasters to cover issues of public importance and to be fair in that coverage, and to determine the nature of their audiences' interests, conveniences, and necessities.
What is Fairness Doctrine?
Washington Post's journalists Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward kept the identity of FBI director Mark Felt confidential for 35 years after he shared with them classified files of the Watergate cover-up by President Nixon, referring to this anonymous informant only as this.
Who was Deep Throat?
Ethical practices used as additional information considered when making moral judgements, and best representing a media organizations wisdom, are called these.
What are benefits of ethics?