French Revolution Pt 3
Ways of Governing
Enlightenment Thinkers
French Revolution
French Revolution Pt 2
The Governing body in which France becomes a Republic under
What is the Constitutional Convention
The rule of the many, government by the people, for the people
What is democracy
Wrote the French Encyclopédie and wanted Church and State separate
Who is Voltaire
The delegates of the 3rd estate are locked out of the Estates General meeting. The delegates form the National Assembly and vow that they will not stop meeting until they have created a constitution.
What is the Tennis Court Oath
A document that got rid of feudalism
What are the August Decrees
The governing body led by Maximelion Robespierre and Danton that had rigid dictatorship and martial law with the purpose of restoring stability to France
What is the Committee of Public Safety
A system in which the buyers and sellers are solely responsible for the choices they make.
What is Capitalism
Wrote the Social Contract and believed that all people should work for the greater good and that government should protect the people
Who is Jean-Jacque Rousseau
This event started the French Revolution
What is the Fall of the Bastille
The National Assembly takes land from the church to sell for needed money and reduced the number of bishops, priests began to get paid by the state and are required to take an oath of loyalty to France, abolished monasteries. As a result, the Pope lost authority over French Catholics and many Catholics became “enemies of the revolution”
What is The Civil Constitution of the Clergy
A period of time in which "enemies of the revolution" are killed in France
What is the Reign of Terror
The Government controls some larger industries but also allows for private ownership
What is Mixed or Modern Day Socialism
Wrote Leviathan and lived during the English Civil War. Was in favor of absolutism but not divine right, believed that people could not govern themselves.
Who is Thomas Hobbes
As a result of the storming on the Bastille, an idea of fear spreads as well as panic through the countryside.
What is the Great Fear
The document that turned France into a limited monarchy, making Louis XVI a figurehead
What is The Constitution of 1791
The Citizen Army
What is Levée on masse
Aims to control political, economic, social, intellectual, and cultural lives of its citizens
What is Totalitarianism
Believed that every human being was born with inalienable rights of life, liberty, and property and that the government was supposed to protect people and if it did not, the people had the right to replace the government
Who is John Locke
Preamble to the new french constitution
What is the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen
Radicals that exploited foreign threat
What are the Girondins
Robespierre's dream of society, a perfect harmonious experience
What is Republic of Virtue
Maintains a capitalist economy with some government control, anti-communist
What is Fascism
Believed in the separation of powers and a system of checks and balances.
Who is Montesquieu
A new assembly formed after the Constitution was written.
What is The Legislative Assembly
Radicals that opposed war as a hinderance to Revolution
What are the Jacobins