Objects Moving Through Space
States of Matter
Grab Bag
This elementary particle is most responsible for the chemical properties of an element.
What is an electron?
According to Newton, applied force causes this.
What is acceleration?
At the exact top of its path, a projectile has this speed and acceleration.
What is 0 m/s and 10 m/s2?
The density of a bar of iron is measured and then cut into quarters. This is the density of the quarter bar when compared to the density of the original bar.
What is the same (unchanged)?
For a material with low heat capacity, this changes easily.
What is the material's temperature?
These two subatomic particles are found in the nucleus of an atom.
What are protons and neutrons?
I am able to push my car at a constant velocity by exerting 500 N of force on it. This tells me that the car's tires are experiencing this amount of friction.
What is 500 N?
A parachutist falling at terminal velocity experiences this amount of air resistance.
What is equal to his own weight?
This is what you notice about the gap when a c-shaped piece of iron is cooled to very low temperatures.
What is it decreases?
When you jump off a high platform and fall to the ground, this energy decreases continuously during your fall.
What is potential energy?
Elements heavier than hydrogen were formed here through nuclear fusion.
What is in the hot interior of stars?
A ball rolling down an inclined plane hits a block and bounces. Compared to the ball that stops when it hits the block, you can conclude this about the amount of force applied to the block?
What is it is greater for the ball that bounces?
This is the path that a projectile launched from earth with a velocity of 10 km/s will follow.
What is an elliptical orbit around earth?
This is what happens when hot air rises.
What is expands (cools)?
Compare two glasses of water, one full and the other half-full. This is what you can say about the internal energy of the full glass compared to the half-full glass.
What is the full glass has twice the internal energy?
This element results when one proton is removed from a Cadmium (Cd) nucleus.
What is Silver (Ag)?
Two people are on a seesaw with a fulcrum placed midway between them. With they lift their feet off the ground, the right end falls. They would need to move the fulcrum in this direction in order to create a rotational equilibrium.
What is to the right?
A man leans over a cliff and throws a rock upward with an initial velocity of 20 m/s. Three and a half seconds later, the rock has this velocity.
What is 15 m/s downward?
This is what Boyle determined resulted when you increased the pressure of a gas while holding the temperature constant.
What is the volume decreased?
Two pool balls collide and both stop moving. In evaluating the situation, you determine this about their initial velocities.
What is they were equal, but opposite in direction?
This is the number of neutrons in the nucleus of the isotope helium - 3.
What is one?
You are on a space mission traveling past the planet Jupiter. Your spaceship experiences a gravitational pull from Jupiter. In comparison, the planet Jupiter experiences this magnitude of gravitational pull from your spaceship.
What is equal (same)?
Two objects are shot in the air with a cannon, both at different angles. If both objects reach the same height, this must have been true of the initial velocity.
What is they both have the same initial vertical velocity?
When we say that plasma is 'hot', we are referring to this.
What is amount ionized?
The reading on your odometer will be this if you put smaller tires on your car without recalibrating it.
What is faster (or more) than your actual speed?