US History
Flags of the World
Nicknamed "The First American", this founding father authored "Poor Richard's Almanac" and served as the first United States ambassador to France.
Who is Benjamin Franklin?
Nicknamed "Lord Stanley" this trophy is awarded to the winner of what professional sports league?
What is the NHL?
This is the only planet not named after a figure in Greek or Roman Mythology.
What is Earth?
The motto "Ordem e Progresso" is at the center of this country's flag.
What is Brazil?
On a standard die, the numbers on opposite ends always add up to this number.
What is seven?
An important author of the Federalist Papers, this man is best known for serving as the fourth President of the United States.
Who is James Madison?
Regarded as the fastest man ever, this man currently holds the record for the 100m sprint at 9.58 seconds.
Who is Usain Bolt?
This planet boasts the fastest winds of any other body in the solar system.
What is Neptune?
Though this nation's national color is orange, their flag consists of three horizontal bars of red, white, and blue.
What is the Netherlands?
Scientists estimate that almost 97% of species in this group of animals remain unidentified.
What are insects?
With the signing of the Treaty of Paris, The United States gained the territories of Puerto Rico, the Philippines, and Guam at the conclusion of this war.
What is the Spanish-American War?
This southwestern city is set to host the 2015 Super Bowl.
What is Phoenix?
Orbiting this planet, the moon Titan is the only moon in the solar system with a thick atmosphere and contains large lakes of liquid ethane and methane.
What is Saturn?
Incorporating the flags of each of her countries, this is the name of the flag of the United Kingdom.
What is the Union Jack?
Written around 1603, this Shakespearean tragedy depicts the betrayal of a Venetian Moor by his ensign, Iago.
What is Othello?
Known as "The Great Pacificator", this nineteenth-century Kentucky congressman ran for president three times. He lost every time.
Who is Henry Clay?
This member of the 2014 German National Soccer team scored the winning goal in the final of the 2014 FIFA World Cup.
Who is Mario Gotze?
These are the only planets that can never be seen with the naked eye.
What are Uranus and Neptune?
The vertical while stripe in the center of this country's flag represents peace between the nation's catholic and protestant population.
What is Ireland?
The first American breed to be recognized by the American Kennel Club, this dog was bred to hunt rats on the streets of American cities.
What is the Boston Terrier?
The third Vice President of the United States, this man famously killed Alexander Hamilton in a duel outside of New York City.
Who is Aaron Burr?
The Tri-Nations Tournament is an annual rugby competition between these three countries, all of which lie in the Southern Hemisphere
What are South Africa, Australia, and New Zealand?
Returning to Earth on December 19, 1972, this was the last Apollo mission to land on the moon.
What is Apollo 17?
One can find this symbol on the flag of every Scandinavian country.
What is the Nordic Cross?
The catalyst for dynamic change in the English Language, this French group invaded England in 1066.
Who are the Normans?