Famous People
British singer and Britain's Got Talent finalist, diagnosed in 2012, with Asperger's syndrome.
Who is Susan Boyle?
Environmental condition or stimulus change existing or occurring prior to a behavior of interest.
What is an Antecedent?
Director of Behavioral Health Services
Who is Michelle Befi?
Piaget's terms; the "center of oneself" to consider the world entirely in terms of one's own point of view
What is egocentrism
believed to be a solely psychological condition with no organic –that is, physical or neurological—basis at all. In his 1967 book, The Empty Fortress, 7 child psychologist Bruno Bettelheim argued that autism was caused when a child withdrew from the unbearable rejection of a cold, unresponsive mother. The mother, it was supposed, had not wanted the child, and still did not, whether consciously or unconsciously.
What is the "Refrigerator Mother's" Theory
Renowned author and famous for setting the standard for food animal handling systems in the country.
Who is Temple Grandin?
The science in which tactics derived from the principles of behavior are applied to improve socially significant behavior and experimentation, used to identify the variables responsible for the improvement of behavior.
What is Applied Behavior Analysis?
ESBA's Business Analyst
Who is Marcy Sawyer
Chomsky's term for an innate language processing capacity that is programmed to recognize the universal rules that underline any particular language that a child might hear.
What is language acquisition device (LAD)?
...ability of an individual to make inferences about what others may be thinking or feeling and to predict what they may do in a given situation based on those inferences. (Simon Baron Cohen)
What is Theory of Mind?
Diagnosed with autism at a very early and an currently cannot speak. She communicates with her family and the wider world using computers and tablets -- a skill she began to develop when she was 10, and for years, has been an advocate for autism awareness.
Who is Carly Fleischmann?
...An increase in the frequency of responding when an reducing procedure is initially implemented.
What is an Extinction Burst?
program focuses on developing social and individual living skills through participation in athletic, pre-vocational and recreational activies for children and youth ages 5-22 with autism and other developmental disabilities.
What is the Kaleidoscope Program
When infants begin to recognize when they are hungry or sleepy, focus on what is important, and tune out extraneous noise....when toddlers begin to express sadness or happiness without falling apart, attend without often becoming distracted, wait a few minutes for lunch, touch a flower gently...
What is Self-Regulation?
...the normal tendency to process incoming information globally and in context, thus aiding human beings to make sense and see structure and meaning.
What is Central Coherence Theory?
The first contestant diagnosed with Autism to compete in a Miss America pageant. An autism advocate who was named Miss Montana 2012, and honored with the "America's Choice" award at the Miss America 2013 pageant.
Who is Alexis Wineman?
a decrease in the current frequency of behavior that has been reinforced by the stimulus that is increased in reinforcing effectiveness by the same motivating operation. Ex: Food ingestion decreases the current frequency of behavior that has been reinforced by food.
What is Abative Effect
in the spring of 1934, the organization launched its first Easter "seals" campaign to raise money for its services. To show their support, donors placed the seals on envelopes and letters. Cleveland Plain Dealer cartoonist designed the first seal...based the design on a concept of simplicity because those served by the charity asked "simply for the right to live a normal life."
Who is J.H. Donahey
Piaget's theory; the stage of thinking between infancy and middle childhood in which children are unable to decenter their thinking or to think through the consequences of an action
What is the pre-operational stage?
...people with ASD, are viewed as lacking to an astounding degree the ability to empathize...also viewed as incredible systemizers....possessing an extreme male brain...deficits in human mental states and feelings...strengths in non-human systems, such as machines, scientific phenomena, or a collection of objects, down to the lowest level of detail.
What is The Extreme Male Brain Theory?
An actor, teacher, and Independent American politician affiliated with the Libertarian Party. In March 2012, as a City Council member, he came out as a person with autism and was subsequently elected Mayor of Bluffton, Georgia.
Who is Douglas Fred "Freddie" Odom, Jr.
...a behavior that has sudden and dramatic consequences that extend well beyond the idiosyncratic change itself because it exposes the person to new environments, reinforcers, contingencies, responses, and stimulus controls.
What is a Behavioral Cusp?
In 1907, Ohio-businessman lost his son in a streetcar accident. The lack of adequate medical services available to save his son prompted him to sell his business and begin a fund-raising campaign to build a hospital in his hometown of Elyria, Ohio. Through this new hospital, he was surprised to learn that children with disabilities were often hidden from public view. Inspired by this discovery, he founded what became known as the National Society for Crippled Children, the first organization of its kind.
What is Edgar Allen?
early conversational acts whose purpose is to get another person to do something
What are protoimperatives?
...specific impairment in visual magnocellular pathway to the brain that is responsible for processing motion...individuals with ASD have multi-sensory issues and also magnocellular abnormalities found in other conditions such as dyslexia.
What is Magnocellular Theory