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Student Stuff
If there is supplementary material that you want to make copies of for your class, and it states on the website that making copies for classroom use is permissible, you must still follow the steps below before making copies: Send an email to the ESL Program Director with the following before making copies for your class: link to the website, pages, and contact person. You will receive notification via email if your request was denied or approved. If your request was approved, you may then make copies for classroom use. If your request is denied, you must refrain from making copies and using those particular copies in the classroom. Failure to do so can lead to further disciplinary action including termination.
What is the Copyright Policy?
As part of the recommendation process, during session 2 and again during session 4, teachers and/or other academic members will meet with instructors from the University of Massachusetts English department to review students’ work who have been recommended for full time matriculation.
What is part of the Student Recommendation Portfolio Procedure?
In the event that a student misses class, he/she is responsible for contacting his/her teacher in order to find out assignments missed. Students are responsible for all work done in class and as homework even if they are not in attendance for class. Teachers can be contacted in person or via email. Submission of completed work does not guarantee that the student will receive full credit for that assignment.
What is a part of Make Up Work/Late Work?
Each class meets daily, Monday through Friday, for a ninety-minute block. A Life Skills/Study Hall period in the middle of the day serves as a study hall or information session.
What are class schedules?
Can write sentences about themselves and familiar objects (family, school, job, hobbies, daily activities)
What is Structure Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) Level 1 Writing?
Any teacher created material that current or former teachers of MAIA have created is considered property of Cermax/MAIA and can be used as well as copies made regardless if the creator is still a teacher at Cermax/MAIA or not. All documents stored on the Google Share Drive are considered the property of Cermax/MAIA.
What is part of the Copyright Policy?
Any student who believes either that an error has been made with his/her grades or that he/she has not been assessed fairly, can file an appeal.
What is part of the Grade Appeal Process?
Within each course level (beginner, intermediate, and advanced), major assessments will be coordinated to achieve a reasonable workload for each student. This coordination will ensure that each student has a sufficient number of assessments in each language skill, but not so many that the student becomes overwhelmed and less likely to complete the work successfully. Student Advisors can also monitor their advisees' progress more accurately if a sufficient and balanced workload can be maintained.
What is Coordinating Student Workload?
Session five has a slightly different schedule due to field trips and different university matriculation requirements. On Fridays during session five, there is no A block, and B & C are in the place of A & B block.
What is the Session 5 schedule?
Can demonstrate a good degree of grammatical control of items marked as XX on Grammar Chart for points determined to be mastered at this level. Can use other grammar introduced at this level with some accuracy.
What is SLO Grammar under Writing Level 4?
Individuals who believe they have been subjected to harassment from a co-worker, a supervisor, a student, a faculty member, a vendor/supplier, a visitor, or other individual, whether or not employed by Cermax or the Academy, are suggested to make it clear to the offender that such behavior is offensive to them. If the behavior continues or if the individual is not comfortable confronting the person(s) who engaged in the conduct, the employee should immediately bring the matter to the attention of his or her supervisor.
What is part of the Sexual Harassment Policy?
Teachers are required to enter attendance within the first ten minutes of class. Teachers should also check their attendance records at the end of each day to ensure they have accurately entered and updated their records for any students who may have arrived late or left class early, for example. Student Advisors will use daily attendance in each class to monitor student performance.
What is Updating Attendance?
At the midpoint of each session, the student will meet individually with his/her teachers in each class to review his/her progress thus far. Teachers will record a student’s proficiency in the SLOs and write comments for student improvement during the remainder of the session on an electronic conference form.
What is Mid-Session Conference Forms?
All students take initial placement tests upon entering the program to determine placement in suitable course levels. All students at Massachusetts International Academy must take five tests for their initial placements into the instructional program. Testing for reading, listening, and grammar is done by using the ITEP. Students must also complete a writing placement test, and a speaking and listening test in the form of an interview.
What is Student Placement Procedure?
Can articulate ideas on most topics about everyday life using sufficient vocabulary (a variety of high frequency words with some low frequency)
What is SLO Writing Level 3 vocabulary?
Teachers are required to enter grades into the online gradebook no more than one week after the assignment has been collected.
What is Maintaining Gradebooks?
A student is Late if s/he Arrives 1-14 minutes late, A student is Absent if s/he arrives 15 minutes or more late or leaves the classroom for more than 15 minutes
What is Attendance for students?
Report Cards can be viewed electronically using PCR each session.
What is Report Cards?
All students who have a TOEFL requirement to matriculate to their university, and who do not have the required score, can apply to take the Massachusetts International Academy (MAIA) TOEFL preparation class. They will therefore also take a TOEFL placement test unless they have an official score dated within 1 year. This placement assessment occurs at the beginning of each session for any new students arriving at MAIA. Only students with a score of 65 (TOEFL) or 6.0 (IELTS) will be eligible to take the course.
What is TOEFL placement?
Can understand multi-section texts with a range of field specific vocabulary and can read and recognize different text types, identify purpose, main ideas, key details and lines of argument and conclusions
What is Comprehension/Reading/SLO/3?
Class file folders, with all summative assessments and at least 2 formative, will be given to the ESL program director at the end of each session. Each class needs to have their own file(s) kept that contains all student work. During the current session, class files need to be stored in the classroom file cabinet which needs to remain locked at all times.
What is Maintaining Student Work Files?
If a student is taking a test outside of MAIA such as the GRE or GMAT, their absence will only be excused for the actual time of the exam. They will need to provide a copy of the receipt that was given to them to take the exam in order for the absence from class to be excused.
What is Taking Tests Outside of MAIA?
The student meets with the teacher to discuss the behavior(s) Staff contacts parents by phone (This will be skipped if the student does not sign the FERPA agreement) Student meets with the Assistant President and the ESL Program Director Student meets with representative from the student’s university of choice Student is expelled from MAIA
What is Referral Process Procedure?
Each course uses at least one main textbook. Textbooks are classified into two categories: class sets and student owned. Class sets are labeled and remain in classrooms for use during class time. Students are expected to bring all required course textbooks and materials to class every day. Should a student choose not to keep his or her textbook at the end of the course, he or she may return it to his or her teacher. If the student loses or damages a book, they will be responsible for replacing the book they damaged with a new copy.
What is Textbooks?
-Activate schema with details -Scan for key details -Use titles and visuals to make predictions -Identify main ideas of paragraphs -Differentiate main ideas from supporting details -Infer word meaning from context -Understand information in graphs
What is Curriculum Overview-Reading/Writing 2014-2015 level 2?