Light Bulbs Going On!!
Lights, Camera, Action!
Radio Flyer
Very Very Vocabulary
During the Depression an automobile gave people the sense that they could physically escape their what?
What is Problems
This revolution began in the 1920's and continued into the 1930's
What is appliance revolution
Movies in America changed dramatically in the 1930's. New movies with sound were commonly known as what?
What is "Talkies"
Unlike today's compact radios, radio's in the 1930's tended to be the gathering place in many households, it also tended to be a piece of what in households around America?
What is Furniture
A sign of wealth or great prestige?
What is Status Symbol
In what direction did car sales and car popularity move during the depression?
What is Up
What where the two dreadful and backbreaking household chores that because of electricity and modern house hold appliances could now be done in the painless click of a button?
What is ironing and washing clothes
For a child in the 1920's what could a dime buy you?
What is Round trip fare on a street car, two apples from a corner vendor, and a malt at the drugstore fountain, or an afternoon at the movies
In 1929 how many households were estimated to have owned a Radio?
What is 10 Million
Involved paying only a fraction of a stock's value
What is Margin
In the mid 1930's people took to the highways and created new hobbies, activity's, and a culture that became an American past time? What was this event?
What is Camping with the family
Americans considered the amazing and novel chance to own and possess electricity no less than a what?
What is no less than a miracle
This type of movie technology offered another attractive dimension and draw to the movies?
What is Color Technology
Radio programming or schedules set a pattern that would later be followed by this newer, more dynamic, more expensive, communication device?
What is The Television
Characterized by a sharp rise in unemployment?
What is Depression
These became popular in the 1930's were ideal for rent free camping, family vacations in isolated areas, and gave Americans the sense of freedom and increased opportunity?
What is Trailers or Mobile Homes
In 1930' government agencies made electricity available to these new areas of the U.S.?
What is remote isolated regions (such as mountainous areas)
This movie typified the essence of a Depression era film. With its romantic and faraway from the Depression world theme, this film engaged viewers with a twisting and dramatic plot.
What is Gone with the Wind
Sponsored by big-names corporations, what did radio programs tend to avoid?
What is Controversial Issues
A way of gambling with short term investments?
What is Speculation
Automobile sales in the United States jumped from 24 million in 1933 to 32 million in 1940 How many families in the U.S. owned a car during this time?
What is More than 50%
What were the 2 new advantages people were experiencing with remarkable new household appliances?
What is more extra time on their hands, and less effort exerted
During its peak, movies during the 1930's drew an average of between how many people to the theaters per weekend?
What is 60-90 million
Movies, radio's, and other large networks of communication were used by audiences as a mens of escape, what were these forms of communication also known as?
What is Mass Media
Shares in business ownership whose price and value constantly fluctuate?
What is Stocks