Evidence for Evolution
Lamarck and Darwin
Adapting to a changing environment
Any Topic throughout year
We use models to - aid visual learners, simplify concepts, allow for hands-on learning. An example is the chocolate fossils and becoming palaeontologists cracking them open to find impressions of animals in the rock (chocolate).
Models are often used in science to demonstrate particular concepts. Explain TWO reasons why we would use models in science, giving an example of one we have used in this topic.
What evidence did Lamarck have for his theory of evolution?
structural functional behavioural
Identify the THREE types of adaptations a species can undergo
Adenine Guanine Thymine Cytosine
Identify the NAMES of all FOUR bases that make up DNA
Homologous structures involves comparing the same/similar structure on a variety of organisms. Usually we compare the pentadacyl Limb.
What is meant by the term 'Homologous structures'? What structure of vertebrates do we refer to in order to compare similarities and differences among organisms?
e.g. Giraffe grew longer neck as their will to reach the tall leaves on trees aided them to stretch their necks. e.g. Body Builder Dad gives rise to Body Builder Offspring
Using an example, describe Lamarck's theory of evolution.
Wax is made of oil. Oil and water do not mix. Therefore the sun will not be able to suck the water out of leaves (evaporation) and the water will not escape past the waxy coating on the surface of the leaf.
How would a waxy coating on the top of Eucalyptus leaves aid it in surviving a desert environment?
Physical barriers such as mucous, cilia, skin, chemicals on surface of skin
Name TWO features that make up the FIRST line of immune defence.
We look at the similarities and differences in the development of the embryo to make inferences about our common ancestors. The Human embryo, early on in its development has features such as Gill slits and a tail, resembling that of a fish.
What is the purpose of comparing the embryo of humans and other animals and using this as evidence for evolution? What structures does a Human embryo have early on in development to resemble another animal?
It is based on observations of Galapogas finches and modern genetics supports his theory.
Why is Darwin's idea's of Natural Selection now accepted over Lamarck? Give TWO reasons
Convergent - No common ancestor, over time physical characteristics evolve to be similar due to similar diet, lifestyle, environment etc Example: shark and dolphin Divergent - Common ancestor, over time physical characteristics evolve to be different dur to differences in geographical location, different diet etc Example: Finches
Compare convergent and divergent evolution, giving an example for each.
1. Inertia - an object at rest will stay at rest unless acted on by an external force 2. F=MA 3. For any action, there is an equal and opposite reaction
What are Newton's THREE laws of motion?
DNA Hybridisation involves comparing amino acid sequences of two different species. The more similar their sequence, the closer related they must be. It is used as evidence for evolution as it helps show us how related we are to other organisms and draw relationships as to common ancestors.
Explain the process of DNA Hybridisation. Why is it used as evidence for evolution?
1. There is variation within a species 2. Some species have characteristics more favourable than others. 3. Survival of the fittest 4. More offspring are produced than survive
Identify the FOUR principle's of Natural Selection
Behavioural - more chance of survival, escape predators, look after one another etc.
Identify the type of adaptation and at least TWO reasons why animals, such as Gazelles tend to form herds or groups.
What would the complimentary base pair go for the following strand of DNA? ATTTGCCTCCA
Archaeopteryx is a transitional fossil showing the evolutionary pathway between a reptile and a bird. It shows evidence for evolution as it shows the intermediate species between reptiles and their evolution to birds.
What is Archaeopteryx? What type of fossil is it? How does it show evidence of evolution?
Within a population, there is VARIATION. Some Rabbits were Naturally stronger/resistant than others. These resistant species (with FAVOURABLE CHARACTERISTICS) of rabbits survived and reproduced and others died out. Eventually a new population of rabbits was present, most of which did not respond to the virus, therefore the virus introduction was not successful.
In 1950, the myxoma virus was release to control the booming rabbit population. It was not completely successful, as some Rabbits grew resistant to the virus. Explain why this happened in terms of Natural Selection.
What is general formula for a neutralisation reaction?