Men's Health
Mrs. Snow
Lacey, Evan, Joshua - A
Lacey, Evan, Joshua - B
Denny & Kokum
This score indicates the presence of cancer very low in aggression
What is Gleason Score of 3
Patients who have had THA are at a particularily high risk for this complication
What is DVT (Deep vein thrombosis)
If a mother is Group B streptococcus positive and is not treated during her labor will her baby be infected?
What is No. According to the CDC, if you have tested positive and are not in the high risk category, then your chances of delivering a baby with GBS are: • 1 in 200 if antibiotics are not given • 1 in 4000 if antibiotics are given
What are you looking for when doing a feeding assessment on an infant?
What is latching ability, swallowing, breathing status, heart rate, pallor.
Complications of unmanaged diabetes
What is Ketoacidosis, infection, cardiovascular/renal complications, macro/microvascular disease, neuropathy, foot and leg problems, amputation
This indicates the presence of a cancer that is moderately aggressive.
What is Gleason score of 7
DAILY DOUBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!! A) This test allows for the determination of oxygen carrying capacity of blood B) This test is a blood test that measures how long it takes blood to clot
What is Hemoglobin What is Prothrombin time (PT)
Lacy is having trouble breastfeeding. What can you offer that will increase her chances of success?
What is Education, Support and encouragement
DAILY DOUBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! a)The nurses’ role regarding immunizations for the newborn b)Of the immunizations listed, which one is NOT one required at 4 months: DTaP-IPV-Hib, Pneumococcal, Meningococcal, and MMR
What is nurse would have to teach family on what immunizations the newborn will need and the benefits of immunizations. What is MMR
5 components in the management of diabetes
What is Nutrition, Exercise, Education, Pharmacologic therapy, Monitoring
This test is used for the early detection of prostate cancer and is 90% effective when combined with rectal exam
What is PSA test (Prostate specific antigen test)
important thing to include during discharge of patient who had just had a hip replacement
What is Proper positioning
Does a Toco monitor measure the strength and duration of contractions?
What is No. a toco monitor measures when the contractions are happening and what the fetal heart rate does when a contraction happens.
Normal findings of a post-partum assessment on a mother includes...
What is.. Stable vital signs, Fundus firm at U/U and a light rubra flow.
Diabetic treatment that stimulates the beta cells of the pancreas to release more insulin
What is Sulfonylureas
the branch of medicine and physiology concerned with the function and disorders of the urinary system
What is Urology
DAILY DOUBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! a) important components of teaching self-care during patient discharge b)As the nurse it is important to teach the patient about positioning of the leg in ____________, which helps to prevent ________________ . The patients hip should never be flexed more then __________°
What is daily exercise (to help maintain joints and strengthen muscles) What is Abduction, Dislocation, 90 degrees
Lacy wants to know why Phytonadione is being administered. What are you going to tell her?
• Vitamin K is necessary for the body to produce certain factors involved in blood clotting • There is little Vitamin K in breast milk • A vitamin K deficiency can lead to hemorrhaging
DAILY DOUBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! a) Average weight for a newborn baby b)APGAR score @ 5 Minutes
What is approximately 7lbs (3.2kg) What is 8-10
What are some cultural considerations a nurse should be aware of when dealing with the aboriginal population?
What is • Be aware of their traditional healing practices o Medicine Wheel o Smudging o Tobacco o Herbs used o Holistic approach • Be aware of language barriers
Surgical procedure to remove all/part of the prostate gland
What is a Prostatectomy
Differences between Osteoarthritis and Osteoporosis
What is Osteoarthritis: Disease of joints and surrounding tissue Osteoporosis: Bone disease - Disease characterized by low bone mass and deterioration of bone tissue
How does a nurse check the height of the fundus? What findings are expected?
• Palpate the abdomen gently, the fundus should be midline and firm • Count fingerbreadths between the fundus and umbilicus • 6-12 hours after birth the fundus is usually at level of umbilicus (U/U)
These two assessments are extremely important when caring for a client who has had surgery with a spinal anesthetic.
Neurovascular & musculoskeletal
What is the difference between Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes, and how can they be managed/ treated?
Type 1: Occurs when the immune system mistakenly attacks and kills beta cells of the pancreas. No, or very little insulin is released into the body. As a result, glucose builds up in the blood instead of being used as energy o Manage their condition with insulin, diet, exercise, and other medications • Type 2: Occurs when the body can’t properly use the insulin that is released or does not make enough insulin. As a result glucose builds up in the blood instead of being used as energy. o It is preventable; health eating and exercise can affect the onset of type 2 diabetes. People may also require medications and or insulin to control their blood glucose more effectively