Flow Rate And Viscosity
Particle Model of Matter
In what ways do warm temperatures help a solute dissolve in a solvent.
It helps it dissolve much faster and more can be dissolved.
What is flow rate?
Flow rate is the amount of time it takes a fluid to get from one point to another.
In a pure substance how many different types of particles are there?
One Type.
After a solute has been dissolved, how can you make it visible again?
By putting the solvent in the Sun and having the water evaporate.
True Or False, All powders will dissolve in water.
No. Certain powder that are thick will not dissolve in the water no matter how high the temperature is or how much you agitate the water.
Demonstration Round, Double or Nothing! Show us how particles at absolute zero (-200 C) act.
You should have been squished against each other.
Is a thicker fluid more viscous or less viscous?
It is more viscous.
True Or False, in a solid substance all of the particles are very far apart.
False, all of them are very close together.
Is it easier or harder for small grains of salt to dissolve in cooking oil.
Trick question! Salt can not dissolve in cooking oil!
Oh No! You accidentally poured 2 spoons of Kool-Aid into your glass of water instead of 1 and it wont dissolve. What is this called?
True Or False, if a rock is very cold it would be easy to break.
False, the rock would be easier to break if it was hotter because the particles are more spread apart. If it was cold it would be harder to break because all of the particles are clumped together.
What is friction?
Friction is when two things are rubbed together and get warmer depending on how they are rubbed.
True Or False. Particles are always sitting in one spot.
False, particles are always moving.
What does G/ml mean?
Grams Per Milliliter
True or False. Dilution (being dilute) occurs when a solute is insoluble.
False, it occurs when to much water has been added into the glass. For example your cool Kool-aid will taste more watery than Kool-aidy.
If 250 ML of lava was brought to the Arctic what would happen.
Since lava can not be frozen, it would melt all of the ice around it until it dropped into the sea then it would create a small rock which would sink to the bottom of the ocean. It would also create some steam which would melt the ice around it as it rose.
What is Viscosity?
The property that describes a liquid's thickness or thinness.
Name a few objects made of particles.
Trick question! All things are made of particles!
Demonstration Round, Double or Nothing! Act like a salt particle in water.
You should have moved around in a tight circle and eventually broke up.
True or False, the ocean can be saturated.
True. The ocean could be saturated with thousands of kilos of salt.
Explain how water turns into a gas when it is heated.
When water is heated it expands so much that the particles escape each-others reach causing it turning into a gas.
There are two graduated cylinders: Graduated Cylinder A which has syrup in it and Graduated Cylinder B which had cooking oil in it. If 2 marbles (Marble A and B) were dropped in both of these Graduated Cylinders which marble would reach the bottom first and why?
Marble B because syrup has a higher viscosity than cooking oil, therefor Marble A has to go through way more liquid (in viscosity terms) than Marble B does.
If an object is hollow would there still be particles in side of it.
Yes, since there is air inside of the object it is still inhabited by particles.
Explain how tea bags work.
When a tea bag is put into the water, the water goes into the bag and escapes it with the tea particle. At the beginning only a little bit of water does this, so when the water comes to a boil all of the water is racing in and out of the bag so the tea is now in the water and has become tea!
Can things be dissolved in lava?
No they can not, because lava will burn up anything that is put into it.