The Good, The Bad and the Ugly
Different Strokes for Different Folks
Melting Pot
Love and Wisdom
Going the Distance
A salary system that periodically evaluates teacher performance and uses these evaluations in determining salary.
What is merit pay?
The area of learning that involves knowledge, information and intellectual skills.
What is cognitive domain?
A group of individuals sharing common genetic attributes, physical appearance and ancestry.
What is Race?
A central body of knowledge that schools require all students to study.
What is core curriculum?
The amount of time a school or an individual teacher schedules for a subject.
What is allocated time?
The art and science of teaching.
What is pedagogy?
The principle that no child with disabilities may be denied a free and appropriate public education.
What is zero reject?
This theory holds that a student's academic performance can be improved if a teacher's attitudes and beliefs about a student's academic potential are modified.
What is expectation theory?
An educational philosophy that organizes schools around the concerns, curiosity, and real world experiences of students.
What is progressivism?
A model of instruction in which the teacher is a strong leader who structures the classroom and sequences subject matter to reflect a clear academic focus.
What is direct teaching?
A system of employment in which teachers, having served a probationary period, acquire an expectancy of continued employment.
What is tenure?
A broad statement about a group that offers information, clues, and insights that can help you as a teacher plan more effectively.
What is generalization?
Acceptance and encouragement of cultural diversity.
What is cultural pluralism?
Takes the place of formal schooling as children learn adult roles through observation, conversation, assisting and imitating.
What is informal education?
The practice of teaching the same class for several years, over two or even more grades.
What is looping?
Recognition of advanced teaching competence, awarded to teachers who demonstrate high levels of knowledge, commitment, and professionalism through a competitive review process administered by the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards.
What is board certification?
The mechanism through which a disabled child's special needs are identified, objectives and services are described, and evaluation is designed.
What is Individualized Education Program (IEP)
The bilingual education model that teaches students with limited English by using a "sheltered" or simplified English vocabulary, but teaching in English and not in the other language.
What is immersion?
A philosophy that emphasizes the ability of an individual to determine the course and nature of his or her life and the importance of personal decision making.
What is existentialism?
A system of teacher-student interaction that includes 4 steps: structure - teacher introduces the topic; question - teacher asks questions; respond - student answers or tries to answer questions; and react - teacher reacts to student's answers and provides feedback.
What is the pedagogical cycle?
A two year teaching education institution popular in the nineteenth century, many of which were expanded to become today's state colleges and universities.
What is a normal school?
The attempt to reduce the complications and expense of segregated special education efforts by teaching special needs students in the standard educational program through collaborative consultation, curricular modifications and environmental adaptations.
What is Regular Education Initiative.
An immersion approach to bilingual education that removes students from the regular classroom to provide instruction in English.
What is English as a Second Language (ESL)
The branch of philosophy that examines that nature of beauty and judgment about it.
What is aesthetics?
Questions that require the retrieval of memorized information and do not require more complex intellectual process.
What are lower-order questions?