Any natural or human-made incident that causes disruption, destruction, or devastation requiring external assistance.
What is a Disaster?
Hurricane Katrina, the Haiti earthquake, the Japanese earthquake and tsunami are all examples of....
What are natural disasters?
Terrorist attacks on the Twin Towers and the Pentagon, Kent State University Riots, and Chernobyl Nuclear Plant Malfunction are all examples of....
What are human-made disasters?
Mitigation, Preparedness, Response, and Recovery are all phases of....
What is the Disaster Management Cycle?
The process of separating causalities and allocating treatments based on the victim's potential for survival.
What is triage?
A nurse puts a RED triage tag on a young female patient from an airplane crash signifying her category in a disaster.
What is the IMMEDIATE category?
The nurse who enters the triage stage cannot speak English, as she just arrived in the United States. She places a triage tag on an elderly man with a circle around the picture of a turtle. The category is.....
What is the MINOR category?
This type of volunteer provides assessments and referrals, meets health care needs, keeps client records, ensures emergency communications, and provides a safe environment.
What is the community health nurse?
Refusing to leave the scene until all work is completed, not taking enough rest time, headaches, nausea, tremors, fatigue.
What are psychological and physical signs of stress in disaster workers?
A triage nurse is asked to tag all deceased individuals with the proper triage tag, the color is.....
What is BLACK?
The phase of the disaster management cycle in which the nurse practices awareness and education, organizing and participating, and advocacy.
What is the Prevention Phase?
The agency primarily responsible for managing shelters in disaster situations in our country.
What is The American Red Cross?
The stages of Heroic, Honeymoon, Disillusionment, Reconstruction.
What are the stress reactions of communities in a disaster?
Federation of the Red Cross, Red Crescent Societies, WHO representatives.
What are international relief efforts organizations?
The level of prevention indicated by participating in developing a disaster management plan for a community.
What is primary prevention?
The name of a set of objectives that relates to unintentional injuries, occupational safety and health, environmental health, food and drug safety.
What is Healthy People 2020?
The disaster management cycle phase where National Disaster Medical Assistance Teams, Emergency Medical Supplies Lists, and Disaster Plans at a workplace are done.
What is professional preparedness?
The disaster management cycle phase where Advocacy, Assessment, Understanding which community resources are available, and functioning as a first responder take place.
What is the Response Phase?
The phase of returning to a new normal with the goal of reaching a level of organization that is as near the level prior to the disaster as is possible.
What is the Recovery Phase?
Elderly persons, women, children, homeless, non-English speaking persons, vision and hearing impaired, chronically ill, and disabled persons.
What are vulnerable populations after a disaster?
The phase of disaster management that occurs as all involved agengies pull together to restore economic and civic life of the community.
What is the Recovery Phase?
Updating agency disaster plans, providing educational materials, and organizing disaster drills.
What are the Roles of the Nurse in the disaster phase of Preparedness?
Teaching proper hygiene, and making sure immunizations are current.
What is the role of the nurse in the Recovery Phase?
The disaster management cycle phase where personal emergency checklists, emergency supply kits, and home disaster evacuation plans are made.
What is the phase of personal preparedness?
National Health Security Strategy, and Disaster and Mass Casualties are examples of a type of preparedness.
What is community preparedness?