'Acting' Up
Let's (Not) Make this Work
Let's Break Up-Dec. of Independence
Key Battles
Founding Fathers
Great Britain tried to do this to pay off the French and Indian War debt.
What is tax the colonists?
This group consisted of Piedmont farmers who fought taxes and corruption.
Who are the Regulators?
Who wrote the iconic Declaration of Independence?
Who is Thomas Jefferson?
The Battle of Alamance Creek marked the end of the ___________________ movement in N.C.
What is the Regulator?
This American Revolution general later became our nation's first president.
Who is George Washington?
King George III and Parliament tried to several Acts as taxes, including one on newspapers, playing cards, and legal documents.
What is the Stamp Act?
This tragic event involved British soldiers killing five colonists in March 1770.
What is the Boston Massacre?
This man wrote the pamphlet Common Sense and helped inspire independence.
Who is Thomas Paine?
This battle took place after George Washington and his troops crossed the Delaware River.
What is Trenton?
This man not only convinced the French to help the Americans in war, but also helped write the Declaration of Independence.
Who is Benjamin Franklin?
2. King George III and Parliament tried to several Acts as taxes, such as glass, paper products, and tea.
What is the Townshend Acts?
Where in North Carolina was the other well-known Tea Party?
What is Edenton?
In the Declaration of Independence, Americans included the phrase “unalienable rights.” “Unalienable rights” means___________________?
What is rights that cannot be taken away?
_____________________, a Kinston native, fought in the Battle of Moores Creek and served North Carolina as its first state governor.
Who is Richard Caswell?
Name one of the North Carolina signers of the Declaration of Independence.
Who are John Penn, Joseph Hewes, and William Hooper?
This founding father tried to convince Parliament to get rid of the Stamp Act.
Who is Benjamin Franklin?
Paul Revere famously alerted the colonists of the British redcoats coming through Lexington to Concord. Why was the British militia coming this way?
What is to seize the rebel weapons?
In the Declaration of Independence, Americans also wrote, “That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it …” To abolish something means____________________?
What is get rid of something?
The backwoods Whigs defeated the Tories in the _____________, where a British officer still lies to this day.
What is Kings Mountain?
This future U.S. president defended the British on trial, but later helped write the Declaration of Independence.
Who is John Adams?
In response to the Tea Act (tax), this group led the Boston Tea Party.
What is Sons of Liberty?
Before writing the Declaration of Independence, the Second Continental Congress tried to make peace with the king with what?
What is the Olive Branch Petition?
These two events in North Carolina (dates are on the state flag) showed North Carolina's attempts at independence.
What are the Mecklenburg and Halifax Resolves?
____________ was where British Gen. Cornwallis surrendered to the Americans (Patriots).
What is Yorktown?
This man was well-known for his quote, "Give me liberty, or give me death!"
Who is Patrick Henry?