Observational Methods
Observation methods-Coding and Reliability
Database Construction
Statistics Introduction
What is a naturalistic observation?
Planned watching and recording of behaviors as they occur within a natural environment
1.) True or false - Physical setting can influence the nature of observed family and marital interactions
What is True
This type of validity refers to the extent to which the causal relationship depicted in a study can be generalized beyond the study conditions
What is External Validity
What is conclusion validity?
What is The degree to which conclusions you reach about the relationships in your data are reasonable.
Name two examples of a Univariate Analysis.
What is •Age categories •Price categories •Temperature categories
Name one benefit to using observational methods
What is -requires fewer assumptions and inferences -less susceptible to various confounding influences -reflects greater face validity and generalizability
What is coding?
What is Examining data for themes, concepts, terms, or keywords in a methodical way (e.g., behaviors, events, activities)
Sampling is most useful for helping to ensure what?
What is generalizability
Name at least two threats to conclusion validity.
What is •Low statistical power •Violated assumptions of statistical tests •Fishing and the Error Rate problem •Low reliability of measures •Poor reliability of treatment implementation
Fill in the blank: In order for skew and kurtosis to be acceptable it has to be at ______.
What is +/- 2
What’s the difference between structured and unstructured observation?
What is Structured observation is the planned watching and recording of behaviors as they occur within a controlled environment, Unstructured is unplanned informal and occurs in a natural environment
Name one way subject reactivity can may affect the interpretation of observational data
What is - Threat to the external validity of study findings - Subjects’ reports may be altered by the procedures - Certain variables may appear related to the emergence, extent, and direction of reactivity effects
An entity that can take on different values is called a what?
What is Variable
Name the Four Components to a Statistical Conclusion.
What is •Sample Size •Effect size •Alpha level •Power
In terms of dispersion, what are two estimates types and which is more accurate?
What is •Two estimates types: –Range –Standard deviation •Standard deviation is more accurate because an outlier can greatly extend the range.
Name the 5 types of observation methods
What is -naturalistic -structured -unstructured -participant -non-participant
Why do we need reliability estimations? Name one reason
What is - Reliability estimates can be used to identify behavioral codes that are ambiguously defined or those coding procedures that lead to disagreement among coders -Its involved in several phases of family interaction research -Its important during data collection phase of observation research -Reliability estimates are presented to indicate the confidence that can be placed in the observational data and their interpretations
What is a two-tailed hypothesis?
What is States the alternative hypothesis as nondirectional (difference could be positive or negative)
Name at least three important things to do when prepping data and why are they important?
What is •Database –Create a thorough codebook –Enter every piece of information and think about your coding decisions –Name variables carefully •Accuracy –Enter data twice •Recoding –Reversed items •Scaling –Aggregation •Missing values –Place holders –Imputation
In order to examine two continuous variables from your data set in SPSS you would run what correlation between the two?
What is Pearson product-moment
Describe participant observation and name one application
What is Participant Observation is where a researcher sets up and takes part in the observational study (ex. Gang studies)
Unlike percentage agreement, this estimate of reliability, considers the chance occurrence of behavior codes and is similar to a chi-square contingency coefficient
What is Kappa
Name one type of probability and nonprobability sampling method?
What is Probability sampling -Random sampling -Stratified random -systematic random -cluster or area random - Multistage sampling Nonprobability sampling -Heterogeneity sampling -snowball sampling -modal instance -expert sampling -quota sampling -purposive sample
Fill in the blank: when referring to the Decision Matrix: If you try to increase power, you increase the chance of winding up in the bottom row and of __________.
What is Type I error
Cross-Tabulation can be used to produce a what?
What is Chi-square