A copy of legislation shall be available to each member of the senate. (True/False)
What is True
What does SB stand for at the top of legislation?
What is Senate Bill
How many people are in the legislative committee?
What is 7 senators
The numbers on the side of each piece of legislation represent
What is each line of the legislation
_____ is allowed to write legislation.
What is everyone
What does SR stand for at the top of each legislation?
What is Senate Resolution
The legislative committees deadline for legislation is?
What is Friday at 10:00am every week.
In order to have successful legislation. You must ____ the problem first.
What is Research
How many pieces of legislation are currently passed?
What is 9
How many times does a piece of legislation state that it is either a bill or resolution?
What is 4 the SB/SR that is at the top & bottom of each legislation, the long title, and the therefore statement.
Name all of the current members on the Legislative Committee
What is
Antonisha, Dillon, Keyrols, Kaleia, Christopher, Autumn, Devonte
Someone that openly supports a piece of legislation is known as
What is a sponsor
How many minutes does someone have to present legislation?
What is 10 minutes
A resolution include what: (hint a bill does not include this)
What is a copy the text of the code/policy you are wishing to change.
After reviewing legislation the committee can make one of three decisions. Please state those decisions.
What is
1) Send legislation as Originally submitted to Senate
2) Send legislation with amendments to the Senate
3) Send legislation back to authors with recommendations
The definition of legislation according to SGA bylaws.
What is bills, resolutions, and any other policy making acts considered by the Senate in order to regulate, to authorize, to provide funds, to sanction, to grant, to declare, or to restrict.
The two positions that are responsible for signing legislation after it has been passed.
What is the President and individual presiding at the time legislation was passed
A Bill is a ______. A Resolution is a ________.
What is enactment; change
What are the 3 things that the legislative committee looks for when reviewing legislation?
What is
1) That it doesn't conflict with the SGA Constitution, bylaws and statues.
2) Ensure that legislation contains details for successful implementation.
3) Correct grammar & spelling.
Every piece of legislation must have...(also known as the three whereas on the document)
What is
1) Problem
2) Explanation
3) Reasons for addressing the problem