Christobal Colon
Where do historians believe Columbus was from?
Italy! (Genoa, to be specific)
Did people of Columbus' time believe the earth was flat?
NO!! {Bonus; How did mariners (sailors) know the world was round?}
The fall of this city pushed Europeans to find an alternate route to Asia.
What is Constantinople (today Istanbul).
For whom did Columbus sail? Who paid for his voyages?
Isabel and Ferdinand (Queen and King of Spain)
List 4 technological advancements that helped Europeans to explore.
Compass Astrolobe Caravel Improved maps Triangular sails Sextant Guns/armor
List all 5 major European colonial powers of the Americas.
Spain, Portugal, England, France, Dutch (the Netherlands)
Did Columbus under-, or over-estimate the size of the world? {Bonus; How did this help him to make his discovery)
Under-estimated !! (By several thousands of miles) By underestimating how far he had to go he convinced the King and Queen of Spain that his journey was possible.
List 4 common problems that these early explorers had to face during their expeditions.
Starvation/bad food Putrid (rotten) water Disease Boredom Anxiety (getting lost) Violent discipline
How did the Renaissance also lead to the "Age of Exploration?"
People became more curious and wanted to discover new things (and places!)
What was the first thing Columbus did upon landing in the Caribbean.
Claimed the land in the name of Spain.
This is the term for traveling around the world. {Bonus; Who lead the first journey to go around the world?} {Bonus [Bonus] Who was the first captain to survive a trip around the world?}
What is circumnavigate? Magellan Drake
List 4 motivations for Europeans to explore the world.
Curiosity Glory and Fame Wealth (gold, silver, etc.) Spread "The Faith" (Christianity)
Why did mapmakers name America after Amerigo Vespucci, and not Christopher Columbus?
Because Vespucci was the first to realize that they had found an entirely new continent. Columbus went to his grave believing he had reached India.
Why were Portugal and Spain (and then England, France, and the Netherlands) the first countries in Europe to extensively explore the Atlantic?
They all are on the Atlantic coast of Europe.
Why were Europeans to eager to continue trading with China and India?
Trade in Silk, Spices, Gold, Silver, precious stones, etc.