Has one independent clause and at least one dependent clause example:Stay in the bath until the phone rings.
What is complex sentences?
Is the way for authors to portray certain feelings to or for the readers example:As they walked down the street a street that portrayed a sense of depression as people and families wither the streets placing themselves in boxes for shelter from the cold that seems to be coming in,and each one of them show a look of defeat,despair,and pain that just inches it's way across their faces.And it makes them wonder is this really what their world has come to be?
What is mood?
It is a thought created outwardly displaying a mental image example:The sky was flecked with specks of Love and the Wind sang a song of Romantic Lullaby while the ground showed a view of dried up leaves and withered grass.
What is imagery?
Is a pattern between the lines of a poem or song example: Twinkle,twinkle little star how I wonder what you are up above the world so high like a diamond in the sky twinkle,twinkle little star how I wonder what you are
What is rhyme scheme?
The distinguishing character,sentiment,moral nature or guiding beliefs or a person,group,or institution example: Doctors all over the world recommend this treatment.
What is ethos?
A clause that can stand by itself and it contains a subject and a predicate;it makes sense by itself example:I drive a bus.
What is independent clause?
Is a mental struggle/conflict within a person's mind and/or with opposing demands or impulses
What is internal conflict?
A statement that represents something as better or worse than it really is example:The new girl was at least 8 ft. tall; she was nothing but leg and arms.
What is exaggeration?
It does not have a rhyme scheme or way of pattern example:The sun is shining bright today like a mine of shining diamonds and the wind felt as cool as winters first kiss that is what the bird saw as he awoke from his slumber.
What is free verse poem?
An argument based on feelings example:The doctors are not always careful,my Uncle died by a doctors hand.
What is pathos?
Is one that can not stand alone as a simple sentence because it does not express a complete thought example:Do you know the butcher,who went to court on Saturday.
What is dependent clause?
Is a personal view or opinion to maybe describe something example:When the boy with poorly made clothing saw all that wealth,he felt his heart burst with longing to grasp it to hold it and to bring it home to his sick momma.
What is subjective point of view?
Is a figure of speech that identifies one thing as being as some unrelated other thing example:His eyes were black coals of endless darkness with specks of deadly ambition and a side of mischief.That is what I see in my crushes eyes.
What is metaphor?
Is a grouped set of lines within a poem,usually set off from other stanzas, by a blank line or a different indentation example:I look above the clouds so high wishing I was the one to fly to go high,higher then higher again then realize I was born not to fly, But born for something greater I was born to sore
What is stanza?
An argument based on facts,evidence, and reason example: All men are mortals Socrates is a man Therefore,Socrates is mortal
What is logos?
Is a noun,noun phrase,or a noun clause which sits to another noun to rename it or to describe it another way(it came from the Latin word to put near) example:When I was in trouble,my bold friend,Charvia stood near me.
What is an appositive?
Is to give special importance or prominence something when speaking or writing example:These mountains to the west are beautiful,yet the mountains to the east are even more lovely! example#2:They resolved never to talk about each other but always to talk with each other.
What is emphasize?
Is a brief statement to refer a person,thing,or object to a historical,bibliographical,cultural,literary,political significance,but does not describe an actual person it might be referring to example:"This place is like a Garden of Eden"
What is allusion?
Is a form of poetry that tells a story
What is narrative poem?
A misleading or unsound argument
What is fallacies?
Is made from two independent clause and at least one or more dependent clause(s) example:Although I like going camping,I haven't had the time to go lately and I haven't found anyone to go with.
What is compound-complex sentence?
Is a short section from a film,writing,music,broadcast,etc. example:"Because we are different,we can have the fun of exchanging worlds,giving our love over and excitement to each other.You can learn music, I can learn flying." - Richard Bach
What is excerpt?
Is a figure of speech in which something whether it's an thing,idea,object,or animal and give it human abilities or attributes example:The grass gave sweet kisses on my cheek as I lay by the lake watching the sun run across the horizon and into the endless sky.
What is personification?
Is a form of poetry which expresses personal emotions or feelings
What is lyrical poem?
A party,cause,movement,etc.,that by it's mass appeal or strength readily attacks many followers example:Millions of women are using the new Mineral make-up foundation.
What is bandwagon?