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After World War I, many Americans were fearful of outsiders.
What is nativism?
These two Italian-Americans were arrested and charged with murder. At the time, many saw them as the face of foreigners and radicals in America. Others strongly believed they were targeted for their ethnicity and beliefs.
Who are Sacco and Vanzetti?
This invention, more than any other, gave Americans the freedom to explore America and led to the use of the famous Route 66.
What is the automobile?
Prohibition gave rise to an industry of smugglers who earned this nickname by hiding alcohol on their person.
What are bootleggers?
This is the nickname given to the difference in freedoms and responsibilities of men and women during the 1920s.
What is the double standard?
After World War I, many Americans embraced this belief that it's better to stay out of world affairs.
What is isolationism?
During the 1920s, this group - which originally targeted freed blacks - began to target foreigners. They were opposed to immigrants. They held marches and recruitment drives.
What is/who are the KKK?
This new addition to the transportation became a symbol of glamour and new technology in the 1920s.
What is the airplane?
Prohibition gave rise to a certain kind of establishment - like a bar - but one that operated secretly.
What are speakeasies?
This great American athlete is remembered as the home run king of the 1920s.
Who is Babe Ruth?
After World War I, Russia's government was overthrown and its political and economic system was replaced with this.
What is communism?
This U.S. president was elected as a pro-business leader. By the end of his presidency, he would be considered the most corrupt president America had, up to that moment.
Who was Warren G. Harding?
This new invention replaced ice boxes as a convenient way to store food at home, ending the need to go to the market every day to make home meals.
What is the refrigerator?
This famous American gangster rose in Chicago as a bootlegger. He was eventually sent to prison for tax evasion.
Who is Al Capone?
This aviator is remembered for making the world's first translatlantic flight from New York to Paris.
Who is Charles Lindbergh?
Between the overthrow of the government in Russia and the rise in radicals within the labor movement, America went through this period of panic over communism.
What is the Red Scare?
This scandal, which hit the Harding Administration, had to do with oil reserves, kickbacks and bribery. It became a symbol of corruption in the Harding Administration.
What is the Teapot Dome Scandal?
This form of credit, which became fashionable during the 1920s, allowed consumers to pay for expensive goods in installments, rather than right away.
What is the installment plan?
For this question, name either the famous trial of a science teacher accused of teaching evolution or the name of his famous defense attorney.
What is the Scopes Trial or who is Clarence Darrow?
This era of achievement and consciousness in the African American community became a great source of pride and inspiration that is still making a difference today.
What is the Harlem Renaissance?
The Palmer Raids went after various groups including communists, socialists and this third group composed of people who were against all forms of government.
What are anarchists?
This American president replaced Harding. His famous phrase, "the chief business of the American people is business," became a symbol of economic prosperity in the 1920s.
Who is Calvin Coolidge?
During the 1920s, this movement to end drinking in America was actually inspired by fear of foreigners, who were seen as heavy drinkers and given to crime and other vices.
What is Prohibition?
These fashionable women of the 20s wore skirts, danced, drank, smoke and talked about matters that were "unladylike."
Who were the flappers?
This new type of music is considered the iconic music of the 1920s and is recognized as the only truly American form of music.
What is jazz?