Geography of Ancient Greece
Sparta and Athens
Persian Wars
Alexander the Great
The Greeks relied on this for travel and trade
What is the sea
This government was begun by aristocrats that eventually became more powerful than the monarch
What is an oligarchy
Sparta was suspicious of outsiders due to it's
What is geography
this Persian king attacked Greece out of revenge
Who is King Darius
this is how king Phillip died
What is he was murdered
Greece is situated on this type of landform
What is a peninsula
This form of government has a single ruler, who inherited power
What is a monarchy
how did men become members of the council of 500 in Athen's?
What is by being chosen in a random drawing
Because of this, the Persians thought it would be eager to conquer Greece
What is that the Persians had more land and people than the Greeks
Alexander was this old when he took control of the Macedonian Empire
What is 20
Because of this, The Greeks raised sheep rather than cattle, grew olive trees rather than wheat, and lived in isolated communities rather than a united country.
What is because it was mostly mountainous
This form of government has one ruler, who took power illegally and by force
What is a tyranny
Boys and girls got educated by training for the military in this city-state
What is Sparta
What 3 battles were won using a cleaver military strategy
What is Marathon, Salamis, and Thermopylae
Using religion to unite the people of Egypt that he conquered, Alexander told the story of him being referred to as the son of which god?
Who is Ammon
The steps the Greeks took to establish a new colony
What is (1) consult an oracle, (2) gather food and supplies (3) travel by sea (4) choose a good location for a colony
This term describes the type of government that was prevalent in Athens
What is a direct democracy
this city-state got what it needed to sustain it's people through these two methods
What is farming and conquest
The Persians crossed this sea to attack the Greeks
What is the Aegean Sea
Alexander married into what other Empires bloodlines?
What is the Persian (Married King Darius' daughter)
Because they did not have enough farmland to feed themselves
What is the Greeks traded for what they needed (Spartan's used conquest)
Who would have most likely spoke these words? "I was in the army when people started complaining that members of the government were getting richer and passing laws that made everyone else poorer. So I stepped forward, and with there help, I became the leader."
Who is a tryant
Sparta discouraged trade with others by doing what with it's currency
What is using heavy iron bars
What Macedonian commander later united Greece by attacking the Persian Empire
Who is Alexander the Great
Alexander did these 3 things to unite is empire
What is spread Greek culture, religion, and adopted the cultures of the people he conquered