Explain what special skills are, and give 5 examples of special skills a meteorologist would have.
Skills that are only able to be used in one certain career.
Describe an occupation that requires a lot of networking.
What are some ways you can get information about a career?
Google Search Guest Speaker Ask an adult who has the career etc.
Define Services, and give 4 examples of careers that provide services.
Services are jobs or duties that are performed for a person or company for money.
Explain the difference between a job and a career.
A job is temporary and does not require much planning or training. Careers do, and they are meant for long periods of time.
Define cost of living.
Cost of living is the amount of money it costs to live in a certain area.
How many hours does somebody have to work in order for it to be considered Full-Time Work?
Describe what short-term goals Marlin had in Finding Nemo. Why were they short-term goals?
-Finding Nemo -Finding the East Australian Current -Escaping the pelican's mouth -Learning the dentist's address Short term goals are something you would like to achieve in less than a year.
Define Career. Give 3 examples.
A career is a long-term occupation that takes much planning and training/education.
Demonstrate to the class what "Networking" is using role-play or a skit.
Networking is making new friends and forming connections with people with similar interests or people in your career field.
Johnny Nosepick started his day off with $1350. He spent $1000 on a Q-Tip, and $350 on a grilled cheese sandwich. Then, he charged $500 to his credit card for a bottle of water. Does Johnny have debt? Explain why or why not.
Yes. Johnny makes poor choices, and owes $500 to a credit card company. Since debt is money you owe to a person or company, Johnny has debt.
Explain why Michael Jordan has "mad skills."
Skills are abilities you are able to do well. Michael Jordan had many basketball skills.
DOUBLE JEOPARDY!!! How many years does you have to go to college to get a Bachelor's degree?
What are goods? Give an example of five goods you would find in a doctor's office.
Tangible items you can touch, buy, borrow, trade, or sell.
Hydroponics is farming that uses no soil. Agriculture means "field and soil" and has to do with anything that involves growing or raising food.
What is the difference between agriculture and hydroponics? How are they the same?
DOUBLE JEOPARDY! ALL TEAMS! Give three examples of Agriculture careers that do not include farmers.
Who won!?
Go up to a random person in the room and explain to them in song why setting long-term goals are important.
Long-term goals take a long time to accomplish, and taking them one step at a time can help you achieve them. They will help you be more successful in the future.
Define Income, and explain why a doctor's income will be different than a cashier's income.
Income is the amount of money that you earn. Doctors go to college for a long time, and their career earns more money than a cashier job, which does not require much training or planning.
Demonstrate a skill that you have without using any words.
Good job!
Give three examples of part-time work that a person can do when they are in high school. How many hours per week could they work?
39 or less.
Sing a song about what "Transferable Skills" are using a British accent.
Transferable skills are skills that are useful in any career. Examples: -communication -writing -problem-solving -technology
Explain why the cost of living is different here than it is in a farm area in Nebraska
It costs more money to live in areas where they make more money. Farm areas in Nebraska are not as wealthy, and so the cost of living is lower.
What services does a firefighter provide?
Fighting fire, rescue, first aid, etc.
Write and perform a rap about these three things: Networking Career Debt
Awesome job, yo!
How far away does my goal have to be to be considered "Long Term?"
12 months or more.