Walt Disney Article
Famous Quotes
What should I do on the SUMMATIVE?
not conforming to rules or standards begins with u__________________________
What is unconventional
He was a pioneer in so many ways. Give 1 example
What is - “The Old Mill” was the first subject to utilize multi-plane camera techniques - “Snow White and the 7 Dwarves” was the first full length animated musical - Television pioneer: first to present full-color “Wonderful World of Color” in 1961
Who said: "It is only the dead who have seen the end of war."
Who is Plato
The commander told the troops to prepare for the ______________ landing on the beach. A. amphibious B. concord C. prudent D. desultory E. approachable
What is (a) amphibious
What kinds of details (3) details should you have for each main idea? What kinds of connections should you show between main ideas?
- cause and effect in the person’s life - logical connection between areas of the person’s life - reason for the author focusing on specific areas of the person’s life
article of commerce, articles of trade begins with c___________________
What is commodities
Give an example of how Walt Disney was entrepreneurial at a young age.
What is he sold pictures to his neighbours to make money.
“Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.”
Who is Steve Jobs
Ronald Reagan was famous for his powerful, moving _________________ against the Soviet Union. A. atrocities B. provokations C. declamations D. guises E. granules
What is (c) declamations
How will you identify the theme?
Choose one of these: Early life/childhood, Education, Career, achievements or family/personal life and combine them with something like: perseverance, success, tolerance, etc. for example: early signs of entrepreneurship; supportive family let do to success; achievements resulting from creativity...
close agreement, conformity begins with a___________________
What is affinity
Give 2 examples of THEMES found in the article about Walt Disney. Rememer: at least 2 words
What is - persistent in reaching goals; - early signs of entrepreneurialship, -career pioneer, encouragement from family, rebellious teenage spirit
“Thus fear of danger is ten thousand times more terrifying than danger itself.”
Who is Daniel Defoe, Robinson Crusoe
Either you _______________ your behavior or I will be forced to _______________ you. A. condemn ... authorize B. corrupt ... salute C. improve ... reprimand D. descend ... serene E. negligent ... promote
What is (c) improve....reprimand
What 4 things should you do in the summary?
Relevant, major events in order Paragraph form Names, places, and numerical data included Cover full text
lively and profitable begins with t_________________
What is thriving
Give 1 inference about Walt Disney
What is: because of his failures, the world changed. Perhaps if he was successful at his first job, he would have stayed at it. (incorrect inference, as it is established that W.D. never gave up and kept pursuing new things). CORRECT INFERENCE: He was ahead of his times: more creative, more entreprenuerial.....
If you want to make peace with your enemy, you have to work with your enemy, then he becomes your partner.
Who is Nelson Mandela.
Some people are genetically ________________ to heart attacks, kidney failures, and strokes, and therefore should seek a doctor's attention on these issues. A. immune B. surrogate C. prone D. tense E. profligate
What is (c) prone
What 4 things should you understand about inferences?
1. Make a logical assumption about the person or an event 2. Use quotes as evidence for your assumption 3. Clearly explain the link between your inference and what is actually written in the text 4. Making an inference is different than restating what is in the text
tends to change often or widely begins with v__________________
What is volatile
What is left ambiguous in the story of Walt Disney?
What is the driving force behind his success. Did he want money, fame, recognition????? We know what he did and how he did it, but we don't know what motivated him.
“I cried because I did not have soccer shoes, but one one day I met a man who had no feet, and I realized how rich I am.”
Who is Zinedene Zidane
The _______________ man refused to tip the waitress even a dime. A. offensive B. penurious C. excessive D. sequacious E. ambivalent
What is (b) penurious
What 4 things should you think about when identifying and writing about something ambiguous?
Is there anything that is unclear? Are there major areas of life that the text misses out? Are the details within a main idea that seem to be missing? Why?