Decimals and Money
Brain Teasers
12.5 + 11.25+ 19.25 + 20.75 + 5.5 =
Answer: 68.75
A tailor cut 7/12 of an inch off a skirt and 1/12 of an inch off a pair of pants. How much more did the tailor cut off the skirt than the pants?
1/2 an inch
Which is longer: 3 feet 3 inches or 36 inches? And by how much?
3ft. 3 inches, which is 39 inches total. So it is longer by 3 inches.
You are a cyclist in a cross-country race. Just before the crossing finish line you overtake the person in second place! What place did you finish in?
Second Place. If you pass the person in second, you take second place, and they become third.
A sports shop has 15 employees. 20% of the employees work part-time. How many part-time employees does the sports shop have?
What is 3 part-time employees
10 + 1.5 – 0.05 + 0.7 – 0.45 =
Answer: 11.70
Over the summer students had reading to do. Malia did 4/6th of the reading she was supposed to finish. Jefferson did 15/24th of the reading he was supposed to finish. Who did more?
Malia, she did 1/16th more.
What is the next number in the Fibonacci sequence: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, ?
Answer: 55
Your sock drawer contains 24 white socks and 30 black socks. The lights in your room are off, so you cannot see the color of the socks. How many socks must you grab to ensure to have at least one matching pair?
Three. In the worst case, the first two socks you take out will consist of one black sock and one white sock. The next sock you take out is guaranteed to match one or the other.
Kathleen brought chocolate and vanilla cupcakes to school for her birthday. 35 students decided to take a cupcake, and 80% of them picked vanilla. How many people picked a vanilla cupcake?
What is 28 people
Preston has $1,000. At an antique show, Preston bought a dresser for $212.50 and a table for $638.20. How much more does Preston have left to spend?
Answer: $149.30
There were 12 apples on a tree in the yard. 3 fell off the tree. What fraction of the apples were left on the tree? Write your answer in its simplest/lowest form.
Answer: 3/4th of the apples were left on the tree.
Your dad tells you that he will pay you $6.00 an hour for the 6 seconds that you take to wash your hands before dinner. How much did you make for washing your hands?
Answer: 1 cent
Jimmy's mother had 4 children. She named the first Monday. Named the second Tuesday. The third is named Wednesday. What is the name of the fourth child?
Jimmy. "JIMMY'S MOTHER had 4 children"!
A school assembly had 100 students in attendance, and 30% of them were first-graders. How many first-graders were at the assembly?
30 first graders were there
Julio and Maria each worked for an hour yesterday doing chores around their house. Each earned $5 per hour and they’re going to pool together and go to the ice cream shop together. Julio’s waffle cone cost $5.00, and Maria’s hot fudge sundae cost $3.76. They want to split a soda that’s $1.35. You need to figure out how much change will they get after they pay or how much more will they need to pay for their order.
Answer: they need 9 more cents
You're catering an event and your client has asked you for very specific amounts of food. She wants 9 and 2/7th chocolate cake and 10 and 13/14th vanilla cake. How much cake did she order in total?
What is 20 and 3/14ths
Please add the following numbers in your head. Start with 1000. Add 40 Add 1000 Add 30 Add 1000 Add 20 Add 1000 Add 10
Many will get 5000. But the actual answer is 4100!
What are the next 3 letters in the following sequence? J, F, M, A, M, J, J, A, __, __, __
Answer: S, O, N The sequence is first letter of the months of the year. September, October and November are the next in the sequence.
The students in Mika's grade voted to select a guest speaker. 70% of the students voted for a famous athlete. If there are 50 students in Mika's grade, how many students voted for the athlete?
What is 35.
At a printing shop, it costs $0.15 to make a copy of a document and $0.18 to print a copy of a photograph. Megan needs to make one copy of 10 documents and 7 photographs. How much does Megan pay all together?
Answer: $2.76
At the farmers' market, Shawna bought 5/6 of a bag of Red Delicious apples and 1/2 of a bag of Gala apples. How many more bags of Red Delicious apples did Shawna purchase?
What is 1/3
You have a 3 gallon jug and a 5 gallon jug. You need to measure out *exactly* 7 gallons of water. How can you do it?
Fill the 5 gallon jug, pour it into the 3 gallon jug until the 3 gallon is full, leaving 2 gallons in the 5 gallon jug. Now pour the 3 gallon jug out. Pour the remaining 2 gallons from the 5 gallon into the empty 3 gallon jug. Now fill the 5 gallon from the faucet. You now have exactly 7 gallons.
You are on the bank of a river. You have to get a fox, a hen, and corn to the other side of the river. If left alone, the fox will eat the hen, and the hen will eat the corn if left alone. The boat is only big enough to take you and one other three to the other side. How do you get all 3 across intact?
First take the hen across. Leave the hen. Go back and get the fox. Take the fox to the other side. Leave the fox there, but take the hen with you back to get the corn. Leave the hen and take the corn to the other side. Drop the corn off with the fox, then go back to get the hen. Bring the hen to the other side. All 3 make it fully intact!
Malia's Tea Shop has caffeinated tea and decaffeinated tea. During the lunchtime rush, the tea shop served 120 teas in all, 25% of which were caffeinated. How many caffeinated teas did the tea shop serve?
What is 30.