What is Environmental Science?
Observations vs. Inferences
Scientific Questions and Hypotheses
Independent and Dependent Variables
Control and Experimental Groups and Constants
Environmental science is the study of how _________ impacts the environment.
What is Humans
What comes first, an observation or inference?
Observation leads to inference
What comes first: a scientific question or a hypothesis?
Either can come first
Fill in the blanks: the ___________ variable causes a change in the ________________ variable.
Independent variable; dependent variable
True or False: Constants are the things in an experiment that stay the same within the control group only.
What are the 5 sciences that make up environmental science?
Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Earth Science, Social Science
Jose has 20 girlfriends”. Is this a qualitative observation or a quantitative observation? How do you know?
Quantitative because it is describing the situation with numbers, not adjectives.
What are the 5 elements of the scientific method?
Scientific question, hypothesis, experiment, analyzing data, conclusion
Alexandra wants to know how the number of hours on Instagram affects her eyesight. What is her independent variable? What is her dependent variable?
Independent: Number of hours on IG Dependent: Eyesight
What are 3 aspects an experiment must have?
Solid procedure, independent and dependent variables, controls, collectable data
What is one of the three questions Environmental Sciences try to answer?
-How do humans relate to the environment? -How do humans use natural resources? -How do humans alter the environment?
Ms. Byrns doesn’t care about her classroom”. Is this an observation or an inference?
WInference because you cannot observe her not caring about the classroom, must observe other things
Do the 5 elements of the scientific method have to go in the same order ever time?
No, it depends on the research being done
Mr. Columna thinks that speaking in Spanish more to his kids will cause them to learn more Spanish vocabulary words. What is his independent variable? What is his dependent variable?
Independent: Amount of time spent speaking Spanish Dependent: Amount of vocabulary words students know
There is an experiment done that tests to see if eating large amounts of ice cream will cause you to gain weight. What would the control group be for this experiment? What would the experimental group be?
-Control group: no ice cream consumed -Experimental group: varying amounts of ice cream consumed
What does it mean when Ms. Byrns says, “Environmental science is interdisciplinary?”
Many different "disciplines" of science make up En. Sci.
Kayla sees an old man walking down the street in front of BAAH. She goes up to him and asks, “How many grandchildren do you have?” What is the observation she is making? What is the inference?
-Observation: there is an old man -Inference: because the man is old, he must have grandchildren
What is a hypothesis?
A testable prediction that answers a scientific question
What is the dependent variable in the following: "Eating more oranges makes your hair grow faster"
Rate at which hair grows
There is an experiment done that tests to see if eating large amounts of ice cream will cause you to gain weight. What would 3 constants be in this experiment?
Amount of exercise, amount of water consumption, similar diet beside ice cream consumption
Which of the 5 sciences does Ecology fall under? What is an example of something an ecologist might be interested in?
Ecology falls under biology. An ecologist might be interested in if plants grow better in the desert than the forest.
What was the inference we made about the candle demo?
Because it looked like and acted like a candle, we thought it was a candle
Write a hypothesis for the following scientific question: "Will students that get to school on time have better grades than students who do not get to school on time?"
IF a student gets to school on time, THEN he/she will have a better grade.
Give an example of an experiment used in class. Identify the independent and dependent variables.
What is the difference between a control and experimental group?
Control: the group where nothing has been modified/tested Experimental: the group where something has been added/taken away