Name the Event
Who said it? (Quotes)
Name three major countries in the Allies and three of the Central Powers.
Answers: Allies = Britain, France, Russia, America Central Powers = Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire
Who was president of the United States during WWI?
Woodrow Wilson
FDR Issued a proclamation closing all American banks for four days until congress could meet in special session to consider a banking-reform legislation.
Bank Holiday
“Where is the Balkans?”
William Jennings Bryan
Which famous pilot was planning to teach Eleanor Roosevelt how to fly?
Amelia Earhart
What is the name of the treaty that dictated what Germany would surrender at the end of the war?
The Treaty of Versailles
Who did Roosevelt appoint as the first female cabinet member in history?
Frances Perkins
On Feb. 25, Woodrow Wilson received an intercepted telegram from a German foreign minister to the Mexican government that stated in the event of war, Mexico should join Germany to regain their "lost provinces"
Zimmerman Telegram
“I am Negro--and beautiful”
Langston Hughes
How many other presidents was Franklin Delano Roosevelt related to?
11 (John Adams, John Quincy Adams, Ulysses Grant, William Henry Harrison, Benjamin Harrison, James Madison, Theodore Roosevelt, William Taft, Zachary Taylor, Martin Van Buren, and George Washington.)
The Germans managed to find and transport who back to Russia to spark a revolution during WWI?
Vladimir Lenin
Who was Venustiano Carranza's lieutenant who began leading his own rebel army and ended up killing a recorded total of about 37 Americans and was never caught?
Pancho Villa
In autumn of 1929 the 'great bull market' began to crash followed by alarming stock market declines that. These were temporarily recovered by bankers but on October 19th efforts to save the market failed.
Black Tuesday
Who said "I never thought I could hate a man as I hate Wilson"
Henry Cabot Lodge
What was Walt Disney’s first feature length animated film and when did it come out?
Snow White 1937
According to the book, what is the main event that drew the United States into WWI? In what year did the US start fighting?
The sinking of the RMS Lusitania and the declaration of “unrestricted submarine warfare” in Britain’s waters drew the US into the war. The US began fighting in 1917.
Who was the ‘pioneer of the Birth control movement’ ( promoted birth control during the 1920's)?
Margaret Sanger
German dirigible crash in Lakehurst, New Jersey 1937 that attracted enormous national reaction largely because of live radio.
"Oh the humanity! Oh the humanity!"
Hindenburg broadcaster
Name "Washington's only major Concert hall" and which singer was was refused permission to give a concert there in 1939?
The Auditorium of the Daughters of the American Revolution Marian Anderson
What were the Triple Entente and Triple Alliance? Who belonged to which of the two?
The two competing alliances that the major powers of Europe were organized into (1914) Triple Entente- Britain/France/Russia Triple Alliance-German/Austro-Hungarian Empire/Italy
Name the Jamaican man who came to America and began to spread the ideology of black nationalism, reject assimilation into white society
Marcus Garvey
On May 7, 1915 a British ship sunk. 1,198 died, 128 Americans and a German submarine attack was blamed. It was more modernly found that this was in fact an explosion in the engine due to too much coal dust in the air.
“There is no right to strike against the public safety by anybody, anywhere, any time.”
Calvin Coolidge
Who founded the first comics magazine, what was it called?
Malcolm Wheeler-Nicholson New Fun