Words, words, words...
Greeks' My Style
And More Greek
Oh, what's in a word?
A long speech spoken by just one actor.
What is a monologue?
Everyone in Greek Theatre wore one of these, and they were believed to possibly acted as a megaphone for better projection of the voice.
What is a Mask?
Money, ivy wreaths, fame, and your name carved on the wall were all prizes for this.
What is winning at the play writing festival?
The term for a play that is not a musical.
What is a Straight Play?
A character in the movie Hook, which serves as a kind of mother and care taker to Captain Hook.
Who is Smee?
Expressing a story through bodily expression and gestures with no spoken words.
What is Pantomime?
The gender not permitted to act in Greek Theatre.
What is female?
We have a smaller amount of these types of plays from Greek times.
What is Comedies?
The invisible wall between the audience and the actors, through which the play is viewed.
What is the 4th Wall?
Every character has this, no matter how small. It is the formal name for what they are trying to accomplish.
What is an objective?
Where the audience sits.
What is the House?
He is credited with being the first actor, stepping away from the chorus.
Who is Thespis?
The Greek god of wine whose festivals saw the beginning of theatre.
Who is Dionysis?
The primary purpose of theatre.
What is to tell a story?
The character in Phantom of the Opera who becomes an understudy for the opera, and was trained by the Opera Ghost (Phantom) in how to sing.
Who is Christine?
When an actor performs as a character without having read the script before hand. (Generally used in auditions).
What is Cold Reading?
This is how the Greek Chorus spoke when performing in plays.
What is in unison?
A play in which a man unknowingly murders his father and marries his mother.
What is Oedipus Rex?
The stage direction of an actor that is closest to the audience and to the actor's right side of the stage.
What is Downstage Right?
The game played in class in order to explore character and how it affects physical movement.
What is Walk About?
A willingness to temporarily believe that something is real, even though it is known that it is not. (Example: Believing that War Horse is a story about real horses, even though we know they are puppets).
What is Suspension of Disbelief?
The device used to lower actors from the top of the SKENE, often used to show the dissension of gods to the earth.
What is Deus ex Machina?
The group of actors who spoke in unison and often served as narrators and commentators on the action of the play.
What is the Chorus?
The area of theatre that includes Lighting, Costumes, Set Design & Makeup Design.
What is technical theatre?
When a character is trying to reach their objective and they try different ways to accomplish it.
What is a tactic?