To relate in detail.
What is recount?
The school library was under construction. To prepare for it, many books were moved to one half of the gym. Some books were temporarily put in the basement. Wally went to the gym to look for the book about tiger attacks. He knew the school had one because Eddie borrowed it a few months ago. Wally could not find it on the shelf. The librarian said it was not checked out. It is likely that: a.) Eddie forgot to return the book. b.) The book was in the school basement. c.) The library never had a book on tiger attacks.
b.) The book was in the school basement.
In some families, the parents give the children an allowance once a week or once a month. The childran usually use some of the money to buy something they like. Some parents encourage their children to save some of the money,too. Young people might put a portion of their allowance in a bank-even a piggy bank. It is likely that: a.) Allowance is payment for a part-time job. b) Sometimes children don't spend all their allowance right away. c.) Some banks will not take allowance money.
b) Sometimes children don't spend all their allowance right away.
Looking very thin and tired especially from pain.
What is haggard?
Bullying is a problem in schools today. Some kids pick on other kids because it makes them feel strong. Other kids start bullying because they think it will make them fit in. There is no excuse for bullying. Kids who are bullied are sometimes too upset or scared to tell anyone. Any student who sees bullying should tell an adult. It is likely that: a.) Bullies are always boys. b.) Bullies tease only younger kids. c.) You should report a bully to a teacher even if you're not the one being bullied.
c.) You should report a bully to a teacher even if you're not the one being bullied.
External appearance
What is guise?
Study hall is a part of a school day. It is held in a classroom and monitored by a teacher, but it is not a class. It is a period during which students do whatever schoolwork they need to complete. That can be doing homework, studying for a test, or catching up on reading. Not every school has study hall, and at schools that do, study hall is not on every student's schedule. It is likely that: a) Study hall is the school period immediately before a test. b) During study hall, a teacher is present but does not teach. c.) Study hall is held in a hallway.
b.) During study hall, a teacher is present but does not teach.
Molly was afraid to tell her parents that she lost her key to the back door of the house. "It's okay, Molly," her brother said. "We will get a new door. Or we can just stop using that door altogether," her brother said. "But that will be incovenient," Molly said. "Can we just make a new key at the hardware store.?" It is likely that: a.) Molly's brother was angry that she lost the key. b.) The back door was old. c.) Molly eventually realized an easy solution to the lost key.
c.) Molly eventually realized an easy solution to the lost key.
A very cruel or terrible act or action.
What is atrocity?
On the first day of eighth grade, Garrett looked over his class schedule. "Great news," he whispered to his friend Wendy, who was seated next to him. "It looks like I don't have to take math this year. Do you?" " Yes. And I'm sure you do, too. Let me see that." Glancing at Garrett's schedule, she said, "Very funny. You have algebra every day at 10:20." It is likely that: a) Wendy did nto know how to read a class schedule. b.) Garret did not know that algebra is a type of math. c.) Wendy and Garrett were in the wrong room.
b.) Garret did not know that algebra is a type of math.
An official agreement that is made between two or more countries or groups.
What is treaty?
In 1984, the PG-13 movie rating was introduced. It is assigned to films that contain strong language, violence, or other material that is inappropriate for children younger than 13. An R rating means that no one younger than 17 will be admitted unless with a parent or adult. Th first film with a PG-13 rating was Red Dawn. It is likely that: a.) All movies with strong language et a PG-13 rating. b.) A 13 year old may see PG-13 films without an adult. c.) The PG-13 rating was created because of a film called Red Dawn.
b.) A 13 year old may see PG-13 films without an adult.
In biology class, students often must dissect an animal. Dissection is the process of cutting open the body of a small, dead animal to study its internal organs. One of the most common animals kids dissect in school is a frog. Once they do, they might sketch what they see. Some students don't like the idea of dissecting and may request to skip it. It is likely that: a.) Students dissect animals to see what their insides look like. b.) The first step in dissecting an animal is to draw its organs. c.) People don't need tools to dissect an animal.
a.) Students dissect animals to see what their insides look like.
A sarcastic challenge or insult.
What is a taunt?
Gerard would give his brother Rob a ride to school. He would drop Rob off at the middle school and then head to the high school. Since Gerard was a senior, he would no longer be at the school when Rob would start going there. Gerard and Rob had an older sister, Olivia, who graduated from high school when Gerard was a freshman. It is likely that: a.) Rob could drive but did not have a car. b.) Gerard was younger than Olivia but older than Rob. c.) Olivia attended a different middle school than Rob did.
b.) Gerard was younger than Olivia but older than Rob.
A belief or set of beliefs held and taught by a church, political party, or other group.
What is a doctrine?
Many teenagers have acne, which is a skin irritation. They may call it "pimples" or "zits." Acne commonly develops on the face, but also the chest and back. Some people continue to have acne into adulthood. Though some people think that eating fried or sugary foods can cause acne, some scientists believe this is not true. It is likely that: a.) Eting candy bars will cause acne. b.) Acne is caused by something called pimples. c.) Teenagers are not the only people who develop acne.
c.) Teenagers are not the only people who develop acne.
Some students join their school's cross-country running team. Cross-country runner compete on an open course that might include sidewalk, grass, or rocky dirt. The courses are generally between one and three miles long. Cross-country is often an autumn sport. Runners wear a vest or t-shirt and shorts. Sometimes they wear special running shoes called spikes. It is likely that: a.) Cross-country races are not held indoors. b.) A cross-country course is usually no longer than 100 feet. c.) Cross-country athletes run the fastest on grass.
a.) Cross-country races are not held indoors.
The period of time during which a king, queen, emperor, etc., is ruler of a country
What is reign?
An award or privilege granted as a special honor or as an acknowledgment of merit.
What is accolade?
The traditions, achievements, beliefs, etc., that are part of the history of a group or nation
What is heritage?