Genres and Themes
Literary Elements
Figurative Language
The Iliad is an example of which genre?
What is Poetry or Epic Poetry
“Now and again, he caught a whiff of a peculiar smell that seemed to emanate directly from her person…he wasn’t quite sure what it reminded him of? Pickled walnuts? New leather? Or was it the corridors of a hospital?" Later, the narrator finds that his land lady is hiding dead bodies in her condo and that was the odd smell. Thus, the quote is an example of ___________.
What is foreshadowing?
On the day before the wedding, everyone was dressed to have their pictures taken by a professional photographer. But Garrett appeared wearing a t-shirt with the image of a tuxedo on it. "Real funny," Maury laughed. "But it's time for the real tuxedo." Make an inference. Who is Maury?
What is the groom.
Retaliated means: A. Surrendered B. repaid C. returned D. walked away
What is B. repaid
The tree danced in the wind.
What is personification?
Julius Caesar is an example of which genre?
What is Tragedy, Drama, or Historical Tragedy?
Talking back and forth between characters is called _____________
What is dialogue?
Meteorologists have predicted a major tropical rainstorm for Thursday. Because of the predicted conditions, families are advised to prepare for all possible problems that a tropical storm may create. The basement is the safest place to stay during a tropical storm. What is the main idea of this selection?
What is being prepared for a tropical storm?
Accomplice means: A. enemy B. leader C. partner D. brother
What is C. partner
I would walk a thousand miles just to see you.
What is hyperbole?
The Story of My Life by Helen Keller is ______________
What is an autobiography?
In Oedipus Rex the audience knows what the king has done, however, Oedipus himself does not. This is an example of _______________.
What is dramatic irony?
Today was the first day my father took me to a stable. It had so many horses to choose from. This was my first time riding, so I wanted to pick the perfect horse. I walked back and forth at least a hundred times looking for the best. Finally, I spotted her. She came to the fence and offered her nose for me to pet her. "This is the one," I said Which is the best title for this selection? A. How to Pet a Horse B. The Big Decision C. Practice Makes Perfect D. The Riding Lesson
What is B. The Big Decision
Abstained means: A. indulged B. refrained C. ensured D. responded
What is B. refrained
"Not that I loved Caesar less, but that I loved Rome more."
What is parallelism? or rhetorical device?
I like the smell of new clothes, The novel aroma of challenge. This dress has no past Linked with regretful memories To taint it, Only a future as hopeful As my own. What is the theme of this poem?
What is One should not dwell on the past, welcome change, hope for the future, etc.
Which term involves interrupting the main narrative in order to relate an incident or series of events that happened earlier in the hero's life. For example, in Arthur Koestler, Darkness at Noon the hero, Rubashov, spends hours in his prison cell thinking about his own past - reliving it, so to speak.
What is a flashback?
As environmental issues become more and more urgent, it is encouraging to see organizations that are trying to reduce environmental waste. Every year the steel industry in North America is responsible for the recycling of steel cans, discarded appliances, auto parts and other steel products. The main idea of this selection is _______________.
What is recycled steel makes an important contribution to our environmental issues.
Plethora means: A. abundance B. minimum C. just enough D. assortment
What is A. abundance
Running in the last inning was a daunting and tiring task.
What is consonance (n)?
Those Winter Sundays by Robert Hayden Sundays too my father got up early and put his clothes on in the blueback cold, then with cracked hands that ached from labor in the weekday weather made banked fires blaze. No one ever thanked him. What is the theme of this poem?
What is Children often don't appreciate their parent's hard work.
In The Pit and the Pendulum by Poe, he uses imagery, timing, and sentence structure for what purpose?
What is to build suspense?
My sister, Lakena, and I were very competitive. We were always trying to get the best of each other. You may think that we were athletes on a soccer field or a baseball diamond, but we weren't. Once Lakena decorated my face with lipstick wihile I was sleeping. So I retaliated by squirting shaving cream at her as she left the bathroom. Make an inference. Lakena and her sister compete by _______________.
What is playing pranks on each other?
Voracious means: A. annoying B. atrocious C. vigorous D. positive
What is C. vigorous
What is onomatopoeia?