Land and Water Use
Energy Resources and Consumption
Earth System and Resources
46. The separation of the various components of crude oil in refineries is accomplished primarily by taking advantage of differences in which of the following? (A) The densities of the components (B) The boiling points of the components (C) The solubility of the components (D) The sulfur content of the components (E) The viscosities of the components
What is the boiling points of the components?
Of the following, which has the greatest permeability? (a) Clay (b) Loam (c) Sand (d) Silt (e) Humus
What is Sand?
Which of these is least likely to be an effect of global warming? A. loss of fertile delta regions for agriculture B. Change in global patterns of precipitation C. Extinction of some species that have narrow temperature requirements D. Decreased rate of photosynthesis in vegetation
What is decreased rate of photosynthesis in vegetation?
All of the following are considered toxic metal pollutants except: A. Chromium B. Lead C. Mercury D. Potassium
What is Potassium?
Of the following, which is the primary method of waste disposal in the United States? (A) Incineration (B) Landfilling (C) Composting (D) Recycling (E) Oceandumping
What is landfilling?
25. Which of the following is a commercially used method for harvesting trees and is most likely to lead to a fragmented landscape with serious impacts on biodiversity? (A) Selective cutting (B) Clear-cutting (C) Shelter-wood cutting (D) Slash and burn clearing (E) Gleaning
What is clear-cutting?
Matter in motion has energy is defined by what type of energy?
What is kinetic energy?
Which of the following is an environmental problem associated with abandoned coal mines? (A) Thermal pollution of streams in the area (B) Acid drainage due to leaching of spoil heaps by rainwater (C) Air pollution caused by smog from ozone formation (D) Alkaline solutions that pollute streams (E) Releasednutrientsthatcauseeutrophication into streams
What is acid drainage due to leaching of spoil heaps by rainwater?
Some automobiles in the United States are fueled by natural gas. What is the primary environmental advantage of natural gas relative to gasoline as a transportation fuel? (A) The United States has 60% of the world’s proven natural gas reserves. (B) Natural gas is a renewable resource that is usually produced from corn and other agricultural products. (C) When natural gas is burned in an automobile engine, the only emission product is water vapor. (D) Natural gas combustion emits fewer pollutants. (E) Thereisanextensiveretaildistribution network for natural gas so that natural gas is available at most gas stations.
What is natural gas combustion emits fewer pollutants?
Which is the best example of environmental remediation? A. The height of a factory smoke stack is increased B. PCB consuming bacteria are sprayed on an area that has soil contaminants with PCB (Polychlorinated Biphenyls) C. A species of trial becomes extinct in a eutrophic lake
What is PCB consuming bacteria are sprayed on an area that has soil contaminants with PCB (Polychlorinated Biphenyls)?
35. Which of the following elements is most likely to limit primary production in freshwater lakes? (A) Oxygen (B) Calcium (C) Phosphorus (D) Carbon (E) Iron
What is Phosphorus?
Energy that is transferred from one object to another as the result of temperature difference is called what?
What is heat transfer?
Which of the following Greenhouse Gases has the greatest heat trapping ability per molecule? A. Carbon Dioxide B. Carbon Monoxide C. Chlorofluoro Carbon D. Methane
What is Chlorofluoro Carbon?
87. Waste from which of the following is an example of nonpoint source pollution? (A) Overflow from a sewage treatment plant (B) Outgassing from a municipal landfill (C) Dumping at a food-processing plant (D) Drainage from an abandoned mine (E) Runoff from agricultural fields
What is runoff from agricultural fields?
The Sites Treaty has been helpful in protecting endangered animals and plants by doing what?
What is listing the species and products whose international trade is controlled?
7. Most of the Earth’s deserts are at approximately 30° latitude, north and south, because these latitudes are characterized by (a) generally warm ocean currents (b) predominantly low atmospheric pressure (c) descending dry air currents (d) slow-moving jet streams (e) enhanced solar radiation
What are descending dry air currents?
92. Between 1960 and 1970, world oil consumption approximately doubled. Which of the following explanations is consistent with this increase? (A) The number of passengers per car increased (B) People drove less, conserving gasoline (C) The price of gasoline increased (D) The number of cars on the road increased (E) Cars that were more fuel-efficient were manufactured
What is the number of cars that were on the road increased?
48. Which of the following federal laws specifically deals with the cleanup of abandoned hazardous waste sites? (A) Clean Air Act (B) Clean Water Act (C) Safe Drinking Water Act (D) Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (E) ComprehensiveEnvironmentalResponsibility Compensation and Liability Act
What is the Comprehensive Environmental Responsibility Compensation and Liability Act?
In the removal of a pollutant from waste water the cost per unit of a pollutant removed increases as the concentration of the pollutant decreases. True or False?
What is True?
Which of the following is the best long term method for preventing extinction? A. Breeding endangered species in captivity B. Paying people not to kill endangered species C. Removing predators from the areas that contain endangered species D. Providing endangered food to species in the wild E. Protecting the habitats of endangered species?
What is protecting the habitats of endangered species?
. Reasons that the population size of an exotic species often grows rapidly when the species is introduced in a new environment include which of the following? 1. I . The exotic species is resistant to pesticides . 2. II . There is a large, underutilized food source in the new environment . 3. III . The exotic species has few natural predators in the new environment . (a) I only (b) II only (c) I and III only (d) II and III only (e) I, II, and III
What is II and III only?
Vegetarianism is often cited as a partial solution to the growing problem of deforestation and other types of habitat destruction as the human population continues to grow. The reason for this is (A) vegetarians are healthier due to a lack of animal fat in their diets (B) more people can be fed using less agricultural land because vegetarians eat at a lower trophic level (C) vegetarians consume fewer calories per person and therefore require fewer acres of farmland (D) vegetarian diets often recommend consuming large amounts of tree nuts as a source of protein, which preserves forest habitats (E) vegetariansoftensupportconservationefforts that promote forest conservation
What is more people can be fed using less agricultural land because vegetarians eat at a lower trophic level?
The ultimate source of energy for terrestrial ecosystems is:
What is the Sun?
Which of the following is the best example of environmental remediation? (a) A species of trout becomes extinct in a eutrophic lake (b) The annual volume of sewage flowing into a stream is decreased by one half . (c) The height of a factory smokestack is increased . (d) A parcel of forest land is declared a state park . (e) PCB-consuming bacteria are sprayed on an area that has soil contaminated
What is PCB-consuming bacteria are sprayed on an area that has soil contaminated?
What is the definition of biodiversity?
What is the variety of species and life that thrive in a particular ecosystem?