Matter: Properties & Change
Energy: Conservation & Transfer
Earth Systems: Structures & Processes
Earth History
Structures and Functions of Living Organisms
Which of the following is a pure substance? A. Chex mix B. Air C. Brass D. Copper
D. Copper
Name 2 examples of renewable energy
solar, wind, hydroelectric, biomass, geothermal
Which best determines the health of a lake used as a source of freshwater? A. its temperature and depth B. its depth and width C. its location and depth D. its temperature and pH
What is D. temperature and pH?
How do scientists know that some mountains were once at the bottom of the ocean? A. freshwater rivers flow to the ocean B. saltwater fish are found in mountain streams C. dinosaur bones have been discovered on top of mountains D. Marine fossils have been found on the peaks of mountains
What is D. marine fossils have been found on the peaks of mountains?
What is the cause of malaria? A. virus B. bacteria C. fungus D. parasite
What is D. parasite?
Which pair of elements have the most similar properties? A. Na and K B. K and Kr C. B and F D. Li and Br
A. Na and K
Which of the following is a nonrenewable resource? A. wind B. nuclear C. solar D. hydroelectric
What is B. nuclear.
In which oceanic zone do clams and crabs survive by burrowing into the sand? A. oceanic B. intertidal C. deep ocean D. open ocean
What is B. intertidal?
Which statement best describes the Law of Superposition? A. Each sedimentary layer of rock represents 1,000 years of Earth's age, muck like the rings of a tree. B. Upper rock layers are older than lower rock layers C. The lowest layers contain the oldest rocks D. Rocks that form near volcanoes are older than surrounding rock
What is C. the lowest layers contain the oldest rocks?
Which of these careers would a student studying biotechnology most likely pursue? A. electrical engineering B. astronomy C. agricultural research D. geology
What is C. agricultural research?
An ice cube is heated in a pan. What will most likely happen to the molecules as they are heated? A. The molecules will move slower B. The molecules will move faster C. The molecules will begin to increase in density D. The molecules will begin to condense in the air
B. the molecules will move faster
Which is a possible disadvantage of using flowing water to produce electricity? A. Reduced carbon dioxide emission B. Only suitable for industrial use C. Creates reservoirs D. Ecosystem damage and loss of land
D. ecosystem damage and loss of land
Which will most likely result if there is increased upwelling in a coastal area? A. more aquatic life B. less nutrients in the water C. higher water temps D. fewer nitrates
What is A. more aquatic life?
Which best explains how ice cores are important to geologic history? A. They follow the Law of Superposition B. They contain evidence of atmospheric changes C. They contain index fossils which help date the ice cores D. They show unconformities
What is B. they contain evidence of atmospheric changes?
How can the rate of an infectious disease be drastically reduced? A. by taking medication daily B. by preventing transmission between people C. by wearing clean clothing daily D. by performing dental hygiene three times a day
What is B. preventing transmission between people?
If a chemical reactions begins with 12 atoms of Cl, how many atoms of Cl will be present in the products?
What is 12?
Which would least likely have an impact on global climate changes? A. producing energy using hydroelectric plants B. producing energy using coal C. producing energy using oil D. producing energy using natural gas
A. producing energy using hydroelectric plants
If a body of water has high turbidity what can most likely be concluded? A. it has a low pH B. it is unsafe to drink C. it is too hot to drink D. it contains a lot of chemicals
What is B. unsafe to drink?
A scientists finds the bones of a T-rex. What could help the scientists determine the approximate age of the dinosaur bones? A. the birds living in the area of the bones B. the weather conditions in the area of the bones C. the kinds of trees living in the area of the bones D. the index fossils in the area of the bones
What is D. the index fossils in the area of the bones?
Why do doctors suggest that people get the flu vaccine each year? A. viruses replicate more rapidly over time B. viruses can mutate from year to year C. vaccines are absorbed by the body after a year D. vaccines get stronger every year
What is B. viruses can mutate from year to year?
Which best explains why the total mass of the products would be less than the total weight of the reactants after a chemical reaction? A. Atoms involved in reaction lost mass B. Precipitates were formed during the reaction C. Gases were released into the atmosphere D. A physical change occurred.
C. Gases were released into the atmosphere (open system)
Energy that is produced by using the heat within the Earth
What is geothermal?
Why is water from an aquifer more likely to be cleaner than water from other sources? A. because it forms where freshwater meets saltwater B. because it receives water directly from precipitation C. because pollutants are filtered by rock and soil deep within the Earth D. because it rises to the surface near the ocean
What is C. because pollutants are filtered by rock and soil deep within the Earth?
Scientists find dinosaur fossils in the bottom rock layers of a cliff and mammal fossils in the middle layer of the cliff. Which could best be concluded from the evidence? A. dinosaurs ate plants B. dinosaurs were eaten by mammals C. Dinosaurs lived on earth before mammals D. dinosaurs and mammals lived on earth at the same time
What is C. dinosaurs lived on earth before mammals?
Which is a way the agricultural biotechnology industry could have a positive impact on the environment? A. by producing crops that are virus resistant B. by making robots to replace farm machines C. by reducing the need for countries to import food D. by increasing the use of wind farms for energy
What is A. producing crops that are virus resistant?