Identifying the main idea
simile, metaphor, or idiom
J.R. Martinez's life changed forever on April 05, 2003. He was in Iraq and a bomb exploded under his truck. He was in horrible pain, lost his left ear, and over half his body is scarred from bad burns. He has had 32 operations and for a while did not want to live. His mother encouraged him to not give up. He now visits other wounded soldiers, has started acting and has a girlfriend. He starred on a soap opera and even won "Dancing With the Stars". He describes his life as "full of joy"! a. J.R. will never lead a full life and be happy again b. J.R. has to worry whether his girlfriend likes him or his fame c. J.R. decided not to let his injury stop him from doing great things in his life. d. J.R. regrets joining the military and should have listened to his mother about joining
What is c.- J.R. decided not to let his injury stop him from doing great things in his life.
Maliki whizzed through his Language Arts homework. He knew the answers, so it didn't take very long. He was happy that he understood because he was very excited to work on his Art drawing. He knew it wouldn't take him long to draw, as it was his favorite pastime. However, he knew he was going to try to stall and take his time on his drawing because he had to do his math homework afterwards. The teacher only assigned six problems, but he knew that just trying to correctly solve those 6 problems would keep him up for hours. One may infer that: a. Maliki loves math and art the same! b. Maliki struggles equally with language arts and math. c. Maliki will probably go to math camp next summer. d Language Arts and art come easier for Maliki than math does.
What is d?- Language Arts and Art come easier for Maliki than Math does.
That girl runs as fast as lightning!
What is a SIMILE?
Being a clown isn't all fun and games. Rodeo clowns expose themselves to danger everytime they perform. When cowboys dismount or are bucked off of bulls at riding competitions, rodeo clowns jump in front of the bulls and motion wildly to get their attention. To protect the rider, the clowns become the ultimate target. So, clowning around can sometimes be a serious business! a. Being a cowboy is a lot more dangerous than being a rodeo clown. b. Rodeo clowns protect cowboys by putting themselves in danger. c. The job of rodeo clown is a fun one without a lot of danger. d. There is not a lot of risk to being a rodeo clown.
What is B? -Rodeo clowns protect cowboys by putting themselves in danger.
Lori was enjoying her day off. She was relaxing by the pool, sipping lemonade. Suddenly, a bee flew within her sight. Lori jumped up and ran, terrified. It wasn't that she was afraid of the pain of being stung, but she knew what the outcome of a sting could be for her..... You could infer that: A. she may be allergic to bees B. She was stung two other times and is terrified because of how much it hurt C. Her little girl is with her and is afraid of bees
What is A? -She may be allergic to bees.
Be sure to take an umbrella?It is supposed to "rain cats and dogs"!
What is an IDIOM?
In December of 1981, Dr. James Naismith, a gym teacher at the YMCA College in Springfield, MA was trying to keep his gym class active on a rainy day. He wanted something to keep the students active and moving. He wrote the rules for a game that involved peach baskets being fixed to ten-foot elevated tracks. The students played against each other trying to throw the ball into the basket. The bottoms of the baskets were removed and this sport is very popular in America today. a. This paragraph is about the invention of basketball. b. this paragraph is about the invention of badmitton. c. This paragraph shows that Dr. James Naismith was determined to do something that would have him declared as a genius. d. If the students would not have rebelled, it would not have taken him a decade to invent basketball.
What is A? -This paragraph is about the invention of basketball.
Hank Simon had always dreamed of going to Duke on an academic scholarship. In order to get an academic scholarship, he needed to score at least a 24 on his ACT. Hank had taken the test three times, which is the maximum amount of times you can take it. He had never scored higher than a 22. He was awaiting the score of his third test (and last chance to score the required 24). He walked to the mailbox and instantly became nervous when he saw the envelope marked "ACT results". He held his breath, sighed and opened the envelope. He read, "Your test score is a 23." What can we infer? a. Hank will probably get a scholarship to Duke. b. Hank will not be able to go to Duke on an academic scholarship. c. Hank will have his choice between going to Harvard (which requires a minimum score of 29) and Duke.
What is B? - Hank will not be able to go to Duke on an academic scholarship.
Automation is the use of machines to reduce the need for human labor. Automation is when jobs done by people become jobs done by robots. Automation can be a good thing. Because of automation, clothing, cars, and other manufactured products are available at good prices and in large supply. However, automation can also be a bad thing. Because of automation, over 700,000 robots in America do jobs once performed by humans. The way of automation may not be the best for humanity, but it is the course we are taking. a. Automation is both good and bad for humanity. b. Automation is bad for America, which is why America is decreasing the amount of jobs performed by robots. c. Automation is basically a good thing for America, as it is not taking jobs away from American citizens.
What is A? -Automation is both good and bad for humanity.
I couldn't believe it. I steadied myself and walked up to the casket, ready to face my best friend for the last time. This would be the last time I'd see her beautiful face and coal black hair before they buried her in the ground. We had thought that we were so cool -drinking beer and all. I'm not sure why we thought it was ever cool to drink! ....especially when my best friend's dad agreed to let her drive his new Camaro to the party. One could infer: a. her best friend was hit by a car b. She might face charges for stealing alcohol. c. Her best friend was killed in an accident involving an automobile and alcohol. d. that the best friends snuck out to go to the party
What is C? -Her best friend was killed in an accident involving an automobile and alcohol.
From airplanes to forklifts, hydraulic power is the strength behind many amazing technologies that affect our daily lives, even the breaks on your school bus, but how do they work? First, fluid is rapidly released into a chamber through a valve. As the fluids collect, the valve is slammed shut which causes a pressure spike. Because the pressure is sealed, the chamber has nowhere to go. The hydraulic mechanism channels the pressure and provides great power. And that's how, with the help of hydraulics, Grandma can stop a car with one foot. SUMMARIZE THIS PARAGRAPH IN ONE SENTENCE! a. Grandma is an excellent driver for her age. b. This paragraph is about how hydraulics work. c. This paragraph still does not explain how hydraulics work. d. The brakes on a school bus are very powerful.
What is B? -This paragraph is about how hydraulics work.
Gambling is one of the largest industries in America. Each day, more and more adults are becoming addicted to some form of gambling. Many people oppose gambling accusing that the industry of taking money that people need to live on. Yet, despite pressures of society to eliminate all forms of gambling, as each day passes, more and more people are walking into casinos and becoming addicted. a. Eventually gambling will become outlawed. b. Society feels gambling is ok if less than $200 a week is spent on it. c. As time goes on, more and more people will become addicted to gambling.
What is C? -As time goes on, more and more people will become addicted to gambling.