Parent- Child Bond
Careers Dealing with Children
Hereditary & Environmental Influences
Physical Development
Strengthen parent-child bond while bathing new baby
What is using a loving tone of voice
example of entry-level work in the field of child development
What is working as a nanny in Mrs.Jones home caring for her two children
Diane drank alcohol and it caused her child to have fetal alcohol syndrome. What is this an example of?
What is environmental influence?
A caregiver slammed the door and the baby threw an arm out and arched his/her back. What type of reflex is this?
What is startle?
The recommended weight gain during pregnancy
What is 25-35 pounds?
Strengthen parent-child bond while feeding new baby
What is sitting down together & holding the baby close while feeding the baby
David has a 4-year degree. He works with children in the elementary school who have difficulty learning. Which child development-related career is this?
What is a special education teacher?
An infant received from his mother's genes a condition called hemophilia which makes it difficult for him to stop bleeding when he is injured. Which influence on development is this?
What is heredity?
A caregiver put a block in an infant boy's hand, and the infant closed his fingers around it. What type of reflex is this?
What is grasp
During the fourth month, second trimester, a typical fetus is?
What is 3 inches long?
Strengthen parent-child bond while caring for new baby
What is cuddle the baby often & hold the baby close
Jason helps his neighbors on weekends by keeping their children while they go out to dinner. Which child development-related work is this?
What is a babysitter?
After the caregiver put a bottle in two-month-old Jason's mouth, he began moving his lips. What type of reflex is this?
What is sucking?
What size of the zygote during the first month of pregnancy?
What is Pinhead?
Strengthen parent-child bond while caring for new baby
What is take turns feeding, holding, & bathing the baby
Example of work in the field of child development that requires an associate's degree
What is cleaning children's teeth and teaching them good dental hygiene?
Mike's body does not process fats in the brain and nerve cells because he has Tay-Sachs disease. This is an example of which influence on development?
What is hereditary influence?
two-week-old Jeremy quickly closed his fingers around the rattle when his mother touched his hand. What category of growth during the first year is this?
What is reflexes?
During the eighth month of pregnancy, a fetus should:
What is react to loud noises with a reflex jerking action?
Claire went to school to learn technical skills required to check prenatal development of fetuses. Which child development-related career is this?
What is a sonographer?
Thomas' mother had chicken pox during the first six months of pregnancy. Thomas has scarring of the skin, a limb defect and eye problems. Which influence on development is this?
What is environment?
Two-month-old Dale could not keep track of his mother as she walked through the room. What category of growth during the first year is this?
What is vision?
After a fertilized ovum attaches itself to the lining of the uterus, it is call a/an
What is Zygote?