MLA / Research
Literary Terms
The sentences in your research paper that reflect the main points/main ideas are called ___.
What are topic sentences.
All direct quotes need to be introduced with a(n) ___.
What is a signal phrase.
When hunters shoot their guns, they are usually hoping to ___ an animal to eat for dinner.
What is dispatch.
to "walk on eggs" and "get someone's goat" are both examples of this literary term in To Kill a Mockingbird
What is an idiom.
Which rhetorical device is this? The pen is mightier than the sword.
What is metonymy.
What is wrong with the following sentence? Having finished the assignment, the TV was turned on. DAILY DOUBLE!!!
What is a dangling modifier.
Paraphrased and summarized research need to be cited with a(n) ___. DAILY DOUBLE....MUST NAME ALL TERMS!
What is an internal citation, in-text citation, or parenthetical citation.
In Romeo and Juliet, Capulet tells Tybalt to be quiet when Tybalt wants to fight Romeo at the masquerade party. He says, "You'll make a(n) ___ among my guests!"
What is mutiny.
Both To Kill a Mockingbird and The Odyssey are narrated using this technique.
What is a flashback.
Which rhetorical device is this? Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.
What is an antithesis.
Titles of novels, movies, and websites are punctuated how?
What is italicized.
The type of reference page that lists ALL THE SOURCES CONSULTED (but not necessarily cited) in the essay is known as a(n) ___.
What is a bibliography.
The students looked at Mrs. Kruse in a(n) ___ way after she told them they were going to have a summer reading assignment...they couldn't believe it!
What is incredulous.
Athena, Hope of Soldiers is an example of this literary device.
What is an epithet.
What rhetorical device is this? This royal throne of kings, this sceptred isle, This earth of majesty, this seat of Mars, This other Eden, demi-paradise, This fortress built by Nature for herself Against infection and the hand of war... ~ Richard II, Shakespeare
What is an anaphora.
What are the stages of the writing process (in the correct order)?
What are pre-writing, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing.
This is the worst type of attention getter / hook.
What is a boring question (or "Did you know...")
This vocabulary word can be literal, for example in terms of a hurricane, or figurative, as in an emotional ___ like divorce or a death in the family.
What is a maelstrom.
What literary device is the following? As the man chewed on the leathery, overcooked steak, he glanced at his wife with a look of disgust and muttered, "Great job on the steaks, honey."
What is verbal irony.
What rhetorical device is this? "This is the villain among you who deceived you, who cheated you, who meant to betray you completely." ~ Aristotle, Rhetoric, Book III, Chapter 12 Hint: While it is parallel and an anaphora, what ELSE is it?
What is an asyndeton.
For which trait of writing would you lose points if you used first- and/or second-person pronouns?
What is voice.
In order to provide necessary background information for the reader about your research topic, you need to include a(n) ___ in your introduction after your hook and before your preview of main points.
What is a bridge.
The opposite of this vocabulary word would be "politeness" or "humility."
What is impudence (cheekiness or sassiness).
The following phrases are examples of ___? ~ a bunch of numpties – a group of idiots ~ to bamboozle – to deceive ~ go bananas – go insane or be very angry ~ buzz off – go away DAILY DOUBLE!!!
What are colloquialisms.
What rhetorical device are the first two "sentences" of this passage? "Time and effort. Truth and justice. Nothing worth doing or having comes easy. Let’s remember this as we move ahead to make a better future." ~ The Daily Trope
What is a syntheton.