New Knowledge & Innovation
Structural Empowerment
Exemplary Professional Practice
Transformation Leadership
Resources available to encourage nurses to initiate evidence-based practice changes and/or conduct research
What is Research & EBP Committee, Research Symposium, Unit-based Practice Committees, Chapman Scholarship, Nursing Excellence Week, DMAIC projects, Nurse Excellence Week or Nursing Research Consultant?
How nurses participate in shared leadership.
What is sharing ideas with managers or membership on committees/subcommittees/taskforces?
How nurses collaborate with other depts./disciples to provide safe & effective care.
What is Performance Council, interdisciplinary rounds, RN/MD rounding, escalation to managers, embedded social worker or huddles/checkpoints?
How nurses advocate for resources to support unit/division goals.
What is unit-based committees/SLC structure, monthly director updates or literature review to change practice? (or other examples)
NMH Nursing Research Consultant
Who is Dr. Sheila Haas?
How nurses utilize evidence-based practice and research to provide care and generate new knowledge.
What is Lippincott, FRAMES, decreased use of PICC lines/central line or foley insertion, increased removal or central lines/foleys?
Structures & processes enabling nurses to participate in organizational decision making.
What are unit-based committees or organization committees, subcommittees & taskforces?
How quality metrics are tracked on the units.
What are KPI scorecards or posting on unit bulletin boards?
How nurses learn to make an appropriate nursing assignment (match nurses & patients).
What is TIP roadmap in report room, orientation to charge binder, using list of certified RNs and chemo-certified RNs or learning/teaching from other leaders?
Name this model:
What is the NMH Nursing Professional Practice Model?
Ways in which current literature and evidence guide nursing practice.
What is Lippincott, Nursing Grand Rounds, CDC guidelines for Ebola, focused education, journal clubs, contact hours (through NM Academy), or new products (based on evidence)?
Support available at NM to develop & provide continuing education programs.
What is NM Academy, Nursing Grand Rounds, Ethics Rounds, Schwartz Center Rounds, unit-based inservices, certification review courses or M7M rounds?
Set goals and expectations and progress towards meeting these.
What is certification check in, ongoing education, Strengths Finders, professional organization involvement or volunteerism?
How nurses input has been used to improve the patient experience.
What are pilot units, FRAMES, bedside report, ticket to ride, new beds (or other unit-based examples)?
Five attributes of NM Nurse.
What are advocate, clinical expert, community volunteer, professional engaged and compassionate?
How nurses are involved in evaluation and allocating technology/information systems for practice.
What is bed selection, pilot tools, Tap & Go, future orders or teletracking?
How the organization sets expectations & provides support for professional development/education.
What is nursing scholarships, certification review courses, specialty certification fee reimbursement, annual review, mid year check-in or flexible scheduling?
Quality metrics you are currently working to improve on your unit/department.
What are CAUTI, CLABSI, falls, pressure ulcers, patient satisfaction, care coordination or exclusive breast mile rate? (or other examples)
How unit/department leaders value, encourage, recognize & reward innovation.
What are Chapman scholars, Brinson scholars, Education scholarships, Posters/presentations at conferences, certification pins, participation in committees or specific area projects?
Name this model:
What is the NMH Nursing Care Delivery Model? (bonus 5 points: Patient-Centered Care Model)
How nurse involvement in technology/information systems has improved practice.
What is 16E innovation unit (COnnect Stduy), IVIG pump reprogramming, wound ostomy RN lit review with clinical RNs? (or other examples)
How units/departments help support community involvement.
What is Stand Up to Cancer, Make the Cut, Cancer Survivor Walk, Salvation Army Holiday Collection, Chicago Marathon Volunteers, March of Dimes or food drives? (or other examples)
How departments track, share & utilize nurse satisfaction data.
What is the annual engagement survey? AND What is the manager who shares results with staff and the Relationship Sub-Committee who identifies way to increase teamwork?
How nurse input has been used to improve nursing practice.
What are pilot units, FRAMES, bedside report, ticket to ride, new beds (or other unit-based examples)?
The "Big Five" goals at NM
What are reducing CAUTIs, reducing CLABSIs, reducing VTEs, reducing readmissions and increasing LTR (likelihood to recommend)?