Comparatives and Superlatives
Compound Nouns
Word Families
What is the comparative and superlative for the word "good"
good comparative= better superlative = best
The first word is the opposite of cold. The second word is a pet; "man's best friend". What is the word?
The word is "hotdog"
What does the prefix "pre" mean? Name two words that begin with the prefix "pre".
The prefix "pre" means before. Examples: prejudge, preschool, prepare, preheat, preview
What is the verb and adjective form of "inventor"?
The verb form of inventor is "to invent". The adjective form of inventor is "inventive".
What are three ingredients of a good story?
1. Great characters 2. Interesting anecdote or story 3. Captures the audiences attention 4. Invites the listeners to ask questions. 5. Answers the asked questions 6. Uses facial expressions and body language 7. Takes in consideration WHO the audience is
What is the comparative and superlative for the word "bad"
bad comparative = worse superlative = worst
The first word is an animal that hangs upside down in a cave, or a stick that is used to play a sport. The second word in an adult male. What is the word?
The word is "Batman"
What does the prefix "re" mean? Give three examples of words that have this prefix.
The prefix "re" means again. Examples: review, repeat, remember, restate, recall, retake
What is the noun and adjective form of the verb "complain"?
The noun form of complain is "complaint" and the adjective form of complain is "complaining".
What is the difference between making inferences and making direct statements?
Inferences means guessing based on the information you are given. Direct statements are stated inside the story.
What is the comparative and superlative for the word " fun "
fun comparative = fun superlative = fun
The first word is what you do in the kitchen. The second word is something you read. What is this word?
The word is cookbook
What prefix means "wrong"? Give four examples of words that use this prefix.
The prefix "mis" means wrong. Examples: misunderstand, misspell, misspoke, misdirect, misguide, mislead
What is the is the noun, adjective, and adverb form of curious?
The noun form of curious is "curiosity", the adjective from of curious IS "curious", and the adverb form of curious is "curiously'.
What are sequence words and/or phrases. Give some examples.
Sequence words and/or phrases tells the order in which things happen. Example First, Next, Then, After that, Finally
What is the comparative and superlative for the word "boring"?
boring comparative = more boring superlative = most boring
The first word is water from the sky. The second word is what you would use with an arrow. What is the word?
The word is "rainbow".
Name four different prefixes that have the meaning "no" or "not" or "without". Give two examples for each prefix.
The prefixes "ir", "il", "im", "in", "dis", and "un" are prefixes that mean "no", "not", or without. Examples: irregular, irrefutable, irrational, illiterate, illogical, impossible, improbable, immediate, indescribable, incapable, inaccurate, disagree, disjointed, disgusted, disassemble, unimportant, unfathomable, unbelievable
What is the verb, noun, adjective, and adverb form of "sequence"?
The verb form is "sequence", the noun form is also "sequence", the adjective form is "sequential" and the adverb form is "sequentially".
What are "fixed expressions"? Give some examples
Fixed Expressions are a groups of words that are commonly used together. Examples: catch one's breath, be supposed to, be out of, get out of here, skip ahead, raise a question.
What is the comparative and superlative for the word "popular"?
popular comparative = more popular superlative = most popular
The first word is what you take when you walk. The second word is what you call your male child. What is this word
The word is stepson.
What is the prefix that means beyond more than? Give three examples of words that begin with this prefix.
The prefix is "extra". Examples: extraordinary, extracurricular, extraterrestrial, extractive, extramarital, extralogical,
What is the verb, noun, adjective, and adverb forms of the word "chilly". Use each form CORRECTLY in a sentence.
The verb form is "to chill". (slang) The noun form is "chill" or "chilliness" The adjective form is "chillily"
What are four things you can find when you look up a word in the dictionary?
You can find the definition, how to sound it out, word families, synonyms, antonyms, origin, part of speech