Monetary Policy
Labor Market
The minimum rate the Fed sets for banks to lend and borrow from other banks.
What is the discount rate?
The type of unemployment that occurs as a result of a mismatch between skills potential workers have and the skills an employer is looking for.
What is structural unemployment?
An increase in the overall price level at a decreasing rate.
What is disinflation?
The difference between Treasury securities and TIPS which gives investor expectations of inflation.
What is the Breakeven Rate?
These countries were considered economically weaker following the European Debt Crisis and are commonly referred to by a popular acronym.
What are Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece, and Spain? (PIIGS)
An unconventional monetary policy tool the Fed uses to communicate the future path of the Federal Funds Rate.
What is Forward Guidance?
The number of unemployed plus employed, divided by the civilian population over 16, non-institutionalized.
What is the labor force participation rate?
The process or practice of reducing the level of one's debt by selling one's assets or paying it off with income.
What is deleveraging?
An institution that usually holds over $50 billion in assets but is strongly interconnected to the financial system and therefore, may experience moral hazard.
What is a Systemically Important Financial Institution? (SIFI)
This country has the largest foreign holdings of US Treasuries.
What is China?
A measure of the money supply that includes cash and checking deposits as well as savings deposits, money market mutual funds and other time deposits
What is M2?
New unemployment claims that are compiled weekly to show the number of individuals who filed for unemployment insurance for the first time.
What are Jobless Claims?
A home purchase loan with a higher balance than the free-market value of the home.
What is an underwater mortgage?
Through this financial instrument, we can anticipate most investors expect a Fed rate hike to initially occur in March 2016.
What are Federal Funds Futures?
This country recently became the fastest growing economy (Q4 of 2014) in the world among large, but not necessarily developed economies, however the Central Bank recently cut interest rates to stimulate growth.
What is India?
Janet Yellen's middle name.
What is Louise?
This indicator currently sits at 10.6% and includes marginally attached and those who are PTER.
What is the U6?
This helps to set benchmarks for how much debt may be issued to a person, the terms of the loans, how much debt a specific company is willing to issue, and what interest rates will be charged.
What are underwriting standards?
Money in the banking system that is briefly counted twice due to delays in processing checks.
What is float?
The types of stimulus in Shinzo Abe's three arrows or Abenomics.
What is fiscal stimulus, monetary easing and structural reforms?
The first Governor of the New York Federal Reserve (Presidents were referred to as Governors before the Banking Act of 1935), who was considered stronger than the Chair and one of the most important people in shaping U.S. Monetary Policy.
Who is Benjamin Strong?
An indicator that is the product of the National Compensation Survey, it measures employer costs for wages, salaries, and employee benefits for nonfarm private and state and local government workers.
What is the Employers Cost for Employee Compensation? (ECEC)
A measure that reports what Americans estimate the amount of money they spent "yesterday" was, excluding the purchase of a home, an automobile or normal household bills.
What is the Gallup Consumer Spending Measure?
An acronym that tells the approximate measure of a company's operating cash flow based on data from the company's income statement.
What is the EBITDA?
This central bank cut rates below zero, equaling a negative interest rate.
What is the Riksbank? (Other acceptable responses: Denmark Central Bank, Swiss National Bank & the ECB)