Literacy Block
Cueing Systems
Reading Fluency
Literacy Rich Environment
Oral Language Development
When do teachers read "to" students only?
What is a read aloud?
What are the 3 questions you can ask a student during a reading lesson to help them decode the text?
What is Does it make sense? Does it sound right? Does it look right?
What is the best strategy to promote reading fluency?
What is practice?
What are 3 things an environment should have to promote learning?
What is a safe and comfortable environment, age/developmentally appropriate materials, and a print rich environment?
When does a child begin to learn?
What is in the womb?
When do teacher read "with" students?
What is a shared reading and guided reading?
What is an example of graphophonics?
What is breaking down words into letters, sounds, syllables, prefixes and chunks, etc. Come from knowledge of letter/sound relationship, what letters and words look like. ie; sounding out words
What level books should a student be reading to practice fluency and what is % of words they should read with accuracy?
What is their independent reading level and 95% ?
What should the teacher consider when choosing books for the classroom?
What is leveled books, culturally, linguistically and develop mentally appropriate, show all populations in a positive light, etc.
How many new words should a child learn a day and what are 3 ways they can learn them?
What is 2 words? Through conversations, listening to stories with new vocabulary/pictures, real-life experiences like field trips, etc.
What are the 6 recommended parts of a balanced literacy block?
What are: read aloud, shared reading, guided reading, independent reading, word study and writing?
What do structural clues come from?
What is student's knowledge of correct oral language; the way in which language is put together into sentences, phrases, paragraphs, etc.
By reading ____ and ____, a teacher is modeling how a fluent reader sounds during reading.
What is effortlessly and with expression?
What are five examples of literature that promotes literacy a teacher could have in their room?
What are books, newspapers, magazines, instruction manuals, informative labels, notes, clocks, calendars, thermostat, etc.
What are 2 important messages we can give parents about oral language development?
What is learning begins in the home and it's important to talk to your kids and it's great to speak in your native language to model fluency?
What type of instruction do teachers give during the word study portion?
What is book and print awareness, phonological and phonemic awareness, phonics, alphabetic principle, word and structural analysis?
How would a teacher teach students to understand meaning (semantics)?
What is teach genres, or nature of text forms, purpose for reading, does the word fit, what information do the illustrations provide and what has happened so far? vocab lists, oral predicting, story line prompts, prior knowledge, pictures, connections, webs, graphic organizers, context clues, pictures, text, reading the room, "how to choose a book" KWL, anticipation guide
What is choral reading and give 3 examples of how/when you could use it.
What is reading in unison? follow along as read a big book, read from own copy of book, patterned or predictable books so readers can join in, when rereading books, etc.
What are 7 things teachers should have in their room to have a literacy rich room?
What is labels, alphabet, calendar, children's names, job charts, books, schedules posted, etc.
What are 5 ways we can promote oral language development in our classrooms?
What is reading books, poems, singing songs, providing lots of opportunities to practice, interacting with the students, centers, play time, creating a safe environment, introducing objects in Engish and home languages, etc.
What is the key to a successful lesson in all the sections of a literacy block?
What is planning?
If a reader is relying primarily on structure, it will be beneficial to support their reading with strategies that promote _____ and _____. And give one example of how to do this.
What is meaning and visual cues. Ask questions such as "What predictions can we make? What other books have we read about this topic, What were the rhyming words in that story? What sound does that letter make? etc.
Tell why sticky notes are a good tool and give 5 examples of ways to use sticky notes.
What is to help readers engage, remember info, mark places to stop, visualization to sketch mind pictures, make connections to the book, predict, drawing inferences, clicks and chunks, highlight vocab, draw pics if don't know the word, parking lot, webs, etc.
What is a print rich environment and why is it important?
What is an environment where words and symbols play key roles. It is important because it provides children with possibilities for imagining and opportunities for pretend play. It also provides them with a wealth of spoken and written words and many opportunities to engage in reading, writing, singing and storytelling activities.
Oral language development includes critical skills that let children ______, _______, ______ and ______. It is the critical foundation for reading, writing, spelling and it is the engine of learning and thinking.
What is communicate (listen and respond when others are talking, understand meaning and concepts they hear or read, obtain new info about things they want to learn about, express their own ideas and thoughts using specific language.