Social Sciences
Module I
Module II
Module III
Module IV
This social science deals with the study of people and places, the natural environment, and the capacity of Earth to support life.
What is Geography
Being an informed citizen, Thinking critically, and making informed decisions
What are the three main goals of social studies
An approach to classroom methodology and content selection that recognizes and values the complex dimensions of American cultures and societies.
What is multicultural education?
The first of these is Culture. There are nine others.
What are the NCSS Curriculum Standards
Health, Terrorism, Careers, and Multicultural Education are four of the seven of these.
What are Contemporary Aspects of Social Studies BONUS: Name the other three
This social science deals with investigating, analyzing, and interpreting the past.
What is History
The professional and personal characteristics of teaching
What are affective and effective characteristics
Affiliation resulting from racial or cultural ties
What is ethnicity
Including art, drama, math, science, language arts, in the social studies classroom is an example of this.
What is cross-curricular integration
Students will understand how governments work and that there are multiple types of governments in the world is an example of this
What is a broad objective
This social science deals with the studies of the rights and the duties of citizens.
What is Civics (Political Science)
Young historians unlock the past, Young Geographers explore the people-place connection, this person studies the rights and responsibilities of citizens and how our government works
Who is the Young Political Scientist
This theory states that there are many different ways children learn about the world and not all children learn the same way
What is Howard Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligences
Class debate concluded that there must be a balance of this in teaching
What is Creative and Traditional Elements
Bullying can be taught under this Contemporary Aspect for young students
What is Terrorism
This social science deals with the study of production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services.
What is Economics
Functional content, Constructivist teaching practices, Respect for diversity, Intrinsic motivation, and Cross-Curricular Integration are parts of this.
What is the Dynamic Social Studies Model
The Three Multicultural Philosophies
What are Melting Pot, Toss Salad, and Mosaic Quilt (Can also be called a puzzle)
Students of all ages can participate in this activity as long as there is a controversial topic.
What is a debate
These are important to help us become more informed about the world around us
What are current events?
Name two social sciences! One deals with people to find out about physical, social, and cultural characteristics and the other deals with studying behavior of groups by examining family, government, religion, business, or school.
What is anthropology and sociology
Informed marketable citizenship, confusing definitions, Powerful Program, Six Major Social Sciences, and Teaching Across the Curriculum are five of the ten of these:
What are The Ten Tenets (Principles) of Social Studies (The other five are Thinking Skills, A Cooperative, Democratic Classroom Community, Sensitive and Reflective, Ten Thematic Strands, and Authentic Assessment)
When teaching a lesson you use this type of organizer to divide information into what the students know, want to know, and learned once the lesson is over.
What is a KWL chart
An advantage of using this in the classroom is that it gives students important factual information; A disadvantage is that it ignores the important aspect of creativity and connecting to students' background knowledge
What is a textbook
These terms describe the content you will teach and the order you will teach it in
What are scope and sequence