Spiritual Health definitions
Loss, death, and grief defintions
Chapter 35 Questions
Chapter 36
MISC questions
Awareness of one's inner self and a sense of connection to a higher being, nature, or some purpose grater than oneself
What is spirituality
An emotional responses to a loss, manifested in ways unique to an individual and based on personal experiences, cultural expectations, and spiritual beliefs
What is grief
This patient states he does not believe in the existence of God. This patient is most likely an:
What is atheist
Examples of self care for nurses include?
What is self-reflection, creative strategies, stress management techniques, meditation, journaling, eating well, exercises and enough sleep.
Name 3 types of places where you will see hospice care provided
What is home, hospital, extend care or nursing homes
a specific system of practices associated with a particular denomination, sect, or form of worship
What is religion
The outward, social expressions of grief and the behaviors associated with loss
What is mourning
What are factors of spiritual distress?
What is acute illness, chronic illness, terminal illness, and near death experience.
What are some physical changes in a actively dying patient?
What is coolness of skin, bowl/bladder incontinence, altered breathing, weakness, fatigue, restlessness.
Why does postmortem care need to be preformed as soon as possible after death?
What is to prevent discoloration, tissue damage, or deformities
The attitude of something to live for and look forward to
What is hope
This encompasses both grief and mourning, includes emotional responses
What is bereavement
What are the 5 concepts of spiritual health
What is spirituality, spiritual well-being, faith, religion, hope
What are the stages of dying Kubler-Ross describes?
What is denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance
Who believed that spirituality was a force that provided energy needed to promote a healthy hospital environment and that caring for a persons spirituality needs was just as essential as caring for physical needs
What is Florence Nightingale
The impaired ability to integrate meaning and purpose of life. It causes an individual to feel doubt, lose their faith, and feel alone
What is spiritual distress
Common, universal reaction with emotional, cognitive, social, physical, behavior and spiritual responses to loss and death. What type of grief?
What is normal grief
When spiritual care requires helping patients adjust to loss or stressful life situations, goals are
What is long term
What are some nursing diagnoses relevant for patients experiencing grief, loss, or death?
What is death anxiety, fear, grieving, spiritual distress
What is the primary goal of palliative care?
What is to help patients and their families to achieve the best quality of life
What is divided into 2 dimensions (vertical and horizontal dimensions)
What is spiritual well-being
Occurs when a person can no longer feel, hear, see, or know a person or object. What type of loss
What is actual loss
A patient is hospitlized with heart failure states that she sees her illness as an opportunity and a challange. She is still able to see that life is worth living. This is an example of? A- hope B- faith C- Values D- Connectedness
What is A- hope
What are the four stages of mourning?
What is numbing, yearning and searching, disorganization, and despair
Why is religion important in health?
What is It helps patients keep faith to their beliefs and maintain their spirituality to positively impact their health or illness