Learned it in a Lab
Potential & Kinetic Energy
Energy Transformations
Simple & Compound Machines
Alternative Energy
How can you make a bouncy ball bounce higher without adding any extra force?
You can soak it in hot water to give it extra (thermal) energy that can be turned into motion energy and GPE

How do roller coaster engineers make roller coasters go faster (without adding a bigger motor)?

They make the roller coaster taller so it has more gravitational potential energy that will turn into kinetic energy during the ride.


What energy transformation happens when a blender is mixing a smoothie? (_______ --> ________ & ________)

electrical energy --> motion & sound energy


What 2 kinds of simple machines help a pair of scissors cut things more easily?

Wedges break paper apart & Levers reduce the force needed to push the wedges in.


What are at least 3 renewable energy sources that can be turned into electricity?

Solar, Wind, Water, Biomass, Geothermal


When you drop a golf ball with a ping-pong ball resting on top of it to the floor, both balls have motion energy as they fall. When the golf ball hits the floor, it transfers most of its motion energy to the ping pong ball, which flies all the way up to the ceiling. Almost all of the motion energy from before the collision is still motion energy after the collision, but since some of it turns into a loud sound, this is an example of an __________ collision.



A kid is jumping on a trampoline. For the split second when the trampoline is most stretched out and they are at their lowest point, before they bounce upwards, what kind of energy do they have?

Elastic potential energy


What 2 energy transformations happen in Step F of this RG cartoon? (Weathervane hits seed bag and seeds fall into flower pot)

Motion of weathervane --> motion of seed bag 

GPE --> Motion as seeds fall


What 3 simple machines does a pizza cutter use to cut pizza more easily?

Wedge separates pizza crust using less force; Lever lets you use blade with less force; Wheel & Axle lets you move blade through pizza with less friction


How does water turn into electricity?

Water turns a spinning turbine, which is connected to a generator that changes motion energy into electricity


What happens to a glow stick when you put it in ice cold water? Why?

It gets dimmer because the cold water removes thermal energy, so there is less energy in the glow stick.


At which point on the roller coaster would you have the most kinetic energy?

Point B (because it is the lowest point in the roller coaster, so most of the potential energy from point A has been turned into kinetic energy)


What energy transformations happen in Step F/G and Step L in this RG cartoon?

F/G) motion in button --> electrical energy --> sound energy (when bell rings)

L) EPE --> motion (when Jack in the Box opens)


What 3 simple machines help a tow truck move cars that can't drive?

Wheel and Axle helps heavy truck move to where cars are; Inclined Plane reduces the force needed to lift the cars; Pulley also reduces the force needed to lift the cars


How does biomass turn into electricity?

Burning biomass makes heat that heats up water to make steam. The steam turns a turbine connected to a generator that turns motion energy into electricity.


When we created marble roller coasters, the "drop height" required for the marble to go over a hill is much taller than the hill is. Why? 

As the gravitational potential energy is turned into motion energy in the marble, FRICTION BETWEEN THE MARBLE AND THE TRACK turns some of the MOTION ENERGY into THERMAL ENERGY, which leaves the roller coaster so it cannot turn back into GPE again.


Are most collisions between moving objects "elastic" or "inelastic"?

Most collisions are inelastic because some kinetic energy is transformed to other types like sound or thermal energy.


What kind of energy transformation is happening when water flows down through dam and spins a turbine to make electricity? (________ --> ________ --> ________ --> ________ --> ________)

gravitational potential energy --> motion energy (as the water falls down through the dam) --> motion in the turbine (pushed by the water) --> motion in the generator (connected to the turbine) --> electrical energy


Name all 5 simple machines and what they are used for.

Wedge - separates objects that are stuck together Wheel & Axle - allows objects to move with less friction Lever - raises or lowers objects using less force Pulley - changes the direction of force used to lift a heavy object Inclined Plane - allows objects to move up or down using less force


How does wind turn into electricity?

Wind blows the blades of a turbine so they spin. The turbine is connected to a generator with gears so that the generator spins faster, turning motion energy into electricity.


How does a generator "make" electricity?

When you use motion energy to spin strong magnets inside A LOT of wire coils (or a lot of wire coils inside a really strong magnet), the negatively charged electrons in the wire coils will try to follow the positively charged end of the magnet. 


Name all 8 types of potential and kinetic energy

Gravitational Potential Energy; Elastic Potential Energy; Chemical Potential Energy; Motion; Sound; Radiant; Thermal & Electrical Energy


What kind of energy transformation is happening when coal is burned to make electricity? (________ --> ________ --> ________ --> ________--> ________ --> ________)

chemical potential energy --> thermal energy --> motion energy (when the thermal energy turns water to steam) --> motion (steam pushes turbine) --> motion (turbine is connected to a generator) --> electrical energy


What simple machines are included in this RG cartoon? (Steps D, I, L, & M)

D) Wheel & Axle (when string spins axle, fan blades spin)

I) magnet's weight lowers board LEVER

L) PULLEY string pulls box open

M) LEVER (box door opens on hinge)


How does sunlight turn into electricity?

Solar energy is reflected by large mirrors onto a tube of liquid. The super hot liquid is used to heat water and create steam that turns a turbine connected to a generator that turns motion energy into electricity.