Managed Water
Preserving Our Oceans
Water Pollution
Key Terms
What is Irrigation?
The Using of pipes with tiny holes that continuously drip small amounts of water directly to plants, thereby reducing to evaporation.
Oceans occupy what percentages of the Earth's surface ?
The World's Oceans covers about 72% of the Earth's surface
Why is water a renewable resource?
The total supply of water in the biosphere is not affected by human activities. Water is not destroyed by human uses, although it may be held for a time in combination with other chemicals.
How can human actions affect water resources?
Primarily human actions including landscape changes, sedimentation and pollution can affect water resources
What is Groundwater ?
Water existing in permeable rock layers and loose materials underground. Supplies wells and creates natural springs.
What are three main benefits of a dam?
1)Reduce flooding 2)Electricity is generated 3)Provides habitats for fish, migrating birds and amphibians
Where does most ocean pollution come from?
More than 80% of all ocean pollution come from land. Oil from cities and factories washes down drains into the ocean.
How much freshwater falls during a storm?
Let's say your house sits on a one-half acre lot. And let's say you get a storm that drops 1 inch of rain. You've just received 13,577 gallons of water on your yard
How can the growing demand for water be met?
Desalination, reusing of water and underground water
What is Source Control?
Idea of stopping water (and other forms of) pollution by eliminating the source of the waste.
Why are the negative impacts of large dams?
1)Dams are often build in areas with dry climates.In such areas large quantities of water are evaporated. 2)Frequent geological problems 3)Changes ecology of a river
What area of the ocean is suffering the most from habitat destruction?
Most area's of the world's ocean are experiencing habitat destruction but coastal areas, with there closeness to human population, have suffered disproportionally
How many of the wetlands have been lost in the last century?
50% of wetlands have been lost in the past century
How much of the water available is used for human use?
Only 1% of fresh water is accessible for direct human uses.
What is Natural Recovery?
It's to give nature a chance to solve the problem. Two most important ways this happens occur when: I) natural sedimentation covers dangerous materials on lake and river bottoms II) biological processes break down dangerous compounds.
State 2 Alternatives to large dams?
1) Choosing to grow crops that require less water 2)Using drip irrigation 3)Building small dams that manage water on a local scale rather than a regional one
What are the nations with jurisdiction in the arctic ocean basin?
Canada , Russia , USA , Alaska , Norway and Denmark
Where is the water crisis most serious?
In most developing countries and many developed countries due to pollution, overuse or mismanagement
Where and in what forms in water available?
Water is available in the air, on the surface, below the ground, and in the oceans. Fresh accounts for only 2.5% of the Earth’s water, and most of it is frozen in glaciers and ice caps. The remaining unfrozen fresh water is mainly found as groundwater, with only a small fraction present above ground or in the air.
What is Eutrophication?
Depletion of oxygen in water caused by excess growth of vegetation and decomposition. It occurs as a result of the washing into lakes of detergents, sewage, and agricultural fertilizers. As a result, organisms not suited to low oxygen levels die.
What percent of electricity do dames provide?
Dams provide nearly 20% of the world's electricity
What is the UN Convention on the law of the sea ?
International agreement designed to promote peaceful uses of the world's oceans, equitable use of the oceans' resources, and protection of marine environments.
How can saline water be used?
It can be useful for thermoelectrically- power and it can be desalinated for other purposes.
What is water pollution?
It is the contamination of bodies of water when pollutants are directly or indirectly discharged into water.
What is Thick-Layer Capping?
Isolation of solid toxic wastes from the bottoms of water bodies by covering them with layers of clean materials.