Traditional Literature
Writing and Devices
Anglo-Saxon Literature
Romantic Literature
Victorian Literature
A story often told from a child's point of view and meant to teach a lesson
What is a folktale?
The person or character who tells the story
What is the narrator?
This Swedish hero traveled to Denmark to fight a monster and become a hero
Who is Beowulf?
This was one of the main concerns taking place in society that caused the Romantic writers to include nature as a key element in their literature
What is the Industrial Revolution?
Because it is a story with two meanings, Charles Dickens' story A Christmas Carol may be categorized as this
What is an allegory?
Stories that tried to explain the origins of things
What are myths?
A story or account of a sequence of events in the order in which they happened
What is a narrative?
A long narrative poem about the deeds of a hero
What is a heroic epic?
The character Felix DeLacey represents this Romantic characteristic because of his passion and sacrifice in freeing his fellow human beings
What is Focus on the Individual?
Using humor to point out the flaws of society, or _____, was a favorite literary device employed by Charles Dickens.
What is satire?
A story based somewhat on real people and real events
What is a legend?
A device in which two or more characters have conversation
What is dialogue?
Mournful poems that express grief due to great loss
What are elegies?
This author used the Gothic novel and the frame story device to write about a man whose desire for knowledge causes him to lose everything and everyone because of his creation
Who is Mary Shelley?
This well-known and well-loved character in Dickens' work A Christmas Carol represents the abuses of child labor in Victorian society.
Who is Tiny Tim?
The smallest element of a story having the power to persist in tradition
What is a motif?
The main point or statement being made in a piece of writing that will be supported with evidence
What is a claim?
To say "sin-stained demon" as another name for Grendel is to use this literary device
What is a kenning?
The Gothic novel contained a morbid subject matter, an isolated setting, a gloomy atmosphere, and _____
What is a rebellious protagonist?
These two children were shown to Scrooge by the Ghost of Christmas Present who said "doom" was written across their foreheads.
What are Ignorance and Want?
A people group and all of their accumulated facts, values, traditions, beliefs, and stories
What is folklore?
Proof provided to strengthen the claim and support the warrant
What is evidence (or grounds)?
"boar-headed" helmets and "gold-covered" halls are both examples of this descriptive device that uses compound words or phrases to describe specific traits
What is an epithet?
A key element of Romanticism, this rebellious protagonist often feels his fate is sealed and is named for this well-known Romantic Age poet
Who is Lord Byron?
This character tells young Scrooge that he is being overcome by greed, or Gain.
Who is Belle?