College Options
Tests, tests, tests!
Junior College Roadmap
Preparing for Life after HS
What is a 4-year college degree called?
Bachelor's degree
True/False: There is help available to pay for college
True! It's called financial aid
When should you take the SAT or ACT for the first time?
Before the end of Junior Year
What is the point of your Junior College Meeting?
-Get to know Kaitlin and vice versa - Share future hopes and dreams - Understand where you're at with college stuff
True/False: I need to know my exact major before I go to college.
False! While it's good to have an idea, you don't have to have it all figured out before you go.
What is a 2-year degree called and where can you get one?
Associate's degree, community college
Colleges that tend to have higher price tags. Have no fear! These types of schools often have more financial aid to give!
Private colleges
When should you register for the SAT and ACT?
Early! Look at deadlines on your handouts :)
When should you be researching colleges and careers?
Ongoing during Junior year/summer
How many colleges should be on your 1st draft college list?
10-12 that are good academic, social and financial fits!
What is the "sticker price"?
The cost of college BEFORE any financial aid is given
What is money to help pay for college called?
Financial aid (it's made up of scholarships, grants, loans, and work-study)
How many times should you take the SAT and/or ACT?
Twice (once before the end of junior year and once at the beginning of senior year)
Where can you get a fee waiver?
From your school counselor or college counselor's office
How can your trip help you prepare for life after high school?
-Opportunity for growth - Career exploration - Self-exploration - Colleges look for students who are involved - College essay material
Where can you get in-state tuition?
Public Schools (like Penn State, Pitt, Temple, etc)
What is the FAFSA? a) A scholarship b) A tropical fruity drink c) A Free Application for Federal Student Aid
c) A Free Application for Federal Student Aid
How can you prepare for the SAT and ACT?
Khan Academy SAT and ACT websites/apps Booklets from Kaitlin *You shouldn't have to pay for prep
What will we do at the Senior Year Kickoff?
Celebrate trips and being seniors Walk through the Senior Year timeline and how Summer Search helps
How does Summer Search support juniors in the college process?
-Mentoring -Workshops -College Advising with Kaitlin -Resources and connections -Etc.
What are the 3 types of "fit" to look for when researching options for after high school?
Academic, social and financial
True/False: College is an expensive but important investment in YOU and your future.
True! And we'll help you figure out ways to pay for it.
True/False: SAT and/or ACT scores are the most important thing for your college applications
FALSE! Colleges look at scores, but they also look at grades, clubs/activities, types/level of classes you've taken, leadership roles, work experiences, etc.
What can you use your reflection letter for after your 2nd trip?
College essay
What are the three different levels of schools for your college list?
Likely admit, target and reach