Express Way Driving
Driver Distractions
Alcohol & Drugs
An orange sign, in a diamond or rectangular shape.
What are Construction Zone Sign
The privilege of having immediate use of a certain part of a roadway. The right of one vehicle or pedestrian to proceed in a lawful manner in preference to another vehicle or pedestrian.
What is RIght of Way?
A place to go in case of possible conflict.
What is Escape Path.
When an event, person, activity, or object draws a driver's attention away from the driving task.
What is Distracted Driving?
Amount of alcohol in the blood expressed as a percentage of ethyl alcohol related to the volume of fluids in the bloodstream.
What is BAC (Blood-Alcohol Concentration)?
Diamond shaped sign that is yellow with black writing
What are warning signs.
Intersection at which signals or signs determine the right of way.
What is Controlled Intersection?
Roadway designed for low-risk higher-speed travel.
What is an Expressway?
Anything that causes you to take your eyes off the road.
What is Visual Distraction?
Series of on the spot, roadside test that help an officer detect impairment of a driver suspected of DUI or DWI.
What are Field Sobriety Tests?
A yellow, pennant-shaped sign with black letters.
What is a No Passing Sign?
Point beyond which a driver can no longer stop safely without entering the intersection.
What is Point of No Return?
Lane that permits drivers entering an expressway to accelerate to the speed of expressway traffic.
What is an Acceleration Lane?
Any distraction caused by sounds.
What is Auditory Distractions?
Drug that can slow down you central nervous system.
What is a depressant?
Five sided yellow sign that shows children in a crosswalk.
What is School Crossing Sign?
A traffic signal that has a a left turn arrow.
What is Stop light with 5 lights?
The controlled access area to enter the expressway. This area gives the driver time to evaluate traffic conditions. It can be level with the expressway or on an uphill or downhill grade.
What is Entrance Ramp?
Any mechanical act not specifically related to driving is performed. Pushing a button on the radio, turning a dial, picking up a cup of coffee.
What is a Biomechanical Distraction?
Drug that can be obtained legally without a doctor's prescription.
What is an Over the counter medications (OTC)?
Symbol sign used on the approaches to a section of highway (not an intersection or junction) where the opposing flows of traffic are separated by a median or other physical barrier. Keep to the right.
What is Divided Road Ahead Sign
Intersection that has no signs or signals to regulate traffic including railroad crossings that do not have flashing red lights or crossing gates.
What is Uncontrolled Intersection?
Area where speed can be reduced to exit safely. Expressway lane used to slow your vehicle without blocking vehicles behind you.
What is the Deceleration Lane?
When your mind is lost in though or in a daydream. Talking on the cell phone. Debating with a passenger about the correct route to take to the game.
What is a cognitive distraction?
States that anyone who receives a driver’s license automatically consents to be tested for blood-alcohol content and other drugs if stopped for suspicion of drug use while driving.
What is Implied Consent?