What You Receive
$500 payment. It is due by the time your income from AGMA engagements reaches $2000 or three years from the date if your first AGMA contract.
What is initiation fee?
Counseling, scholarships and workshops offered to AGMA dancers to assist them in their transfer into other careers.
What is dance career transition?
Body responsible for final approval of all contracts, management of union funds, and for protecting all members from unfair or unsafe practices and conditions.
What is The Board of Governors?
Artist chosen through election in which every member; in good standing, is eligible to vote on.
What is a union officer?
AGMA recognizes the need for performers to accept as much work as they can get and doesn't prohibit its members for taking on non-union jobs.
What is AGMA's non-union job policy?
A payment all members are required to make in the amount of 2% of their gross AGMA income.
What is a working due?
Where members who need emergency financial or social services assistance get help.
What is AGMA relief fund?
"The deduction of union dues from a worker's paycheck by the employer." If you don't authorize this, you must make your payments directly to AGMA.
What is a check-off?
Your membership and participation helps strengthen AGMA's bargaining power when it negotiates your contracts with your employer.
What is the purpose of your membership?
Your legal, civic and artistic rights are protected.
What is protected?
A payment of $78 paid every year on January 1st.
What are basic dues?
Offers AGMA members access to health & social services as well as employment training.
What is The Actor's Fund of America?
You can lose your "Member in good standing" status and won't be able to work for an AGMA company.
What if you don't fulfill financial obligations?
"A formula of members; in good standing, for each of the following categories: Actors, Stage Manager and Stage Director.
What is The Board of Governors based on?
A staff of exceptionally skilled negotiators and attorneys provided to AGMA members.
What is extensive services?
Anything under the first $100,000 made in AGMA income.
What is subject to working dues?
One who advises you on issues involving agents or managers.
What is AGMA's National Executive Director?
that the company has the authorization necessary to deduct the 2% working dues.
What is a member's responsibility to verify
Where they are represented and may do a great majority of their work. It is determined by their primary address unless the member designates a different area.
What is a member's area?
provide guaranteed wages, safe working conditions, rehearsal and overtime pay, resolution of disputes and protection against discrimination and abuse of any form.
What are collective bargaining agreements?
A $250 fee subsequent of not paying your membership fees for 90 days.
What is reinstatement fee?
Not for profit banking cooperative offered to AGMA members.
What is Actor's Federal Credit Union?
Attend other area meetings and other local area functions throughout the year.
What are members encouraged to do?
There are no requirements to join. AGMA is an 'open' union and membership is available to artists at any time in their career.
What is the requirement to become a member?
You may have access to programs that include; counseling on a broad range of life transitions, as well as referrals to housing and child care.
What can you get from the Actor's Fund of America?