chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30 + 31
Fort Laramie was the site of the federal government signing several treaties with Native American "tribes" marking the beginning of this system
This woman was the last queen of Hawaii, famous for her strong-willed refusal of the attempts to annex her nation into the United States.
Who was Queen Liliuokalani
These writers brought attention to corruption and exploitation by writing sensational exposures about social problems
What is Muckrakers
Individuals and small businesses are entrusted in this Wilson-backed political and economic philosophy
What is New Freedom
The paranoia and suspicion around communistas and socialism in the US
What is Red scare
the transition from individual miner to large mining corporation was caused by this
What is the expense of the machinery necessary
This president was drawn towards "freeing" Cuba from the Spanish control it was under through pressure from the media, as well as criticism from fight-mad Roosevelt.
Who was President McKinley
Women battled against these wet areas, as they saw them as disrupting the home environment that society held women responsible for.
What is saloons
This political and economic philosophy promoted consolidated trusts, labor unions, women’s suffrage, and a more socialist adherence to minimum wage and social insurance.
What is New Nationalism
In a backlash against immigrants entering the country following the end of the war, this bigoted and prejudiced group became popular again
What is KKK
this practice is somewhat surprisingly credited with being the most influential factor in shaping the west, more than miners, cavalrymen, or cowboys.
What is irrigation, and hydraulic engineering.
The sinking of the Maine gave President McKinley the push to enter into this conflict
What is Spanish American War
Contrary to public opinion, this President was highly successful at bringing charges against trusts and monopolies, totaling over 90 to Roosevelt’s 44.
What is Taft
This conflict caused Wilson to withdraw his troops from Mexico in 1917
What is WWI
This movement was popularized, though so many devoted themselves to circumventing the law that it became obsolete
What is Prohibition
Farmers banded together to create this political party to take on Wall Street and the trust's hold on the economy
What is the Populist Party
God gave McKinley the guidance to take this nation, and add it into America’s Empire.
What is The Philippines
Taft’s practice of encouraging companies to invest in areas that would suit the US’s interests overseas.
What is Dollar Diplomacy
Wilson suggested these conditions for peace after the war in a speech designed to guide the world towards recovery after WWI
What is The Fourteen Points
This man was named public enemy number one for his crimes, but was eventually imprisoned for tax evasion
What is Al Capone
The song "We're coming, Grover Cleveland, 500,00 strong, We're MArching on Washington to right the nation's wrong" was sung by this group as they eventually reached the nation's capital, only to be arrested for walking on the grass.
What is Coxey's Army
The US was able to buy the rights to this water route connecting the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans by threatening to create a canal through Nicaragua
What is The Panama Canal
This man is quoted of saying the following about the sitting president “He means well, but he means well feebly”
What is Roosevelt
The United States was pulled into war with Germany because of this action by the Germans
What is Bombing civilian vessels
The concept of the moving assembly line, named after the man who dedicated his automobile factory to fully applying it.
What is Fordism